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Messages - MichaelRyanNorton

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: Antithesis Deck (KS)
« on: February 26, 2014, 01:40:43 PM »
Don, it's my pleasure.  I thought owning a car was like the Antithesis of being a New Yorker. 

@PurpleIce - I have added the Don's Ass-Fire Tier.  Only the pure of heart can see the tier or pledge for it.  It's really quite beautiful, isn't it?  Doh! You found a loophole in my pricing schedule! Let's just keep that between us, shall we?   Keep your eye out for that cool stuff.  It's coming!


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Antithesis Deck - Kickstarter
« on: February 21, 2014, 04:31:09 AM »
Firdawesome - Thanks for posting!

Hi Paul! - I was sitting beside Adam last week when we discovered this post and I asked him if he'd heard of Hydro74 - he had not. Our influences are along the lines of sacred geometry and ancient mysticism or mythology, with a touch of scientific illustration - think Ernst Haeckl meets the Illuminati, they get high on platonic solids and have a dream about the meaning and cycle of life or the universe. Not sure if Adam would agree with that.

jwats01 - I just sent you a note about setting up an interview. We'd love to talk more about the Antithesis project.

Don - Your patient, detailed posts here have been very helpful during my research.  You rock! We promise to light a fire under your ass before the gig is up!

PurpleIce - Interesting that your name is "ice" and you're attracted to the crystalline structures on the Jack of Diamonds… hmmm. I think you'll like what we do with that theme.

Cardguy504 - We're working with this, color and density of detail, seeking balance - we'll find it! Thanks for your thoughts. Keep 'em coming.

MrMollusk - You're picking up what we're laying down! Thank you for really looking at it. This will become more and more apparent as the designs develop over the next 4 weeks. We're going to avoid cheesy like the plague. We'll also be shifting away from the current graphic design feel a bit and toward a more traditional printed card feel, reminiscent of the origins of printing. I think you'll see it in the next few designs. And if it's well received the first few courts which we've shared will be reworked as well. 

sr15 - Antithesis will succeed!

Sher143 - We're definitely listening to all of our backers, as well as keeping an eye on discussions like this one. 

I've added 2 and 3 deck reward tiers, as well as an add-on pricing schedule. My apologies for not having those up on launch day. We have some cool stuff planned as stretch goals and will announce those fairly soon.

We are almost ready to reveal a two-way card back offering, which has been the most requested feature so far.


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