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Messages - edgybros

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I don't know.  Any box in the indices means that you must bring it into the card thus having to have a wider spread of cards.  Meaning you will have less cards in your hand.  That is a bad thing.

thanks for the feedback. the cards are designed to replicate the feel of a page of a medieval manuscript, hence the box around the indice. not likely to help for sleight of hand, surely. it's something we'll tweak if we can do it without compromising that design theme.

I'd be less concerned about a box around the index, more concerned about having the value and suit properly aligned - vertically, the center of each should be on the same line.  In fact, if you want to keep the box on the index, put the suit in the box with the value - they should be together, easily and quickly read.  I think that they're narrow enough that the box shouldn't make a significant difference, but you should try to push the index as far into that corner as you can get it without the printer having a conniption fit about alignment issues and die lines.
made a tweak. check out the new design:

already corrected, as i see will and i are crossing paths on multiple forums today  ;). and yes, the terms uspcc likes to use to describe their choices and features can be confusing, as we're finding out.

I don't know.  Any box in the indices means that you must bring it into the card thus having to have a wider spread of cards.  Meaning you will have less cards in your hand.  That is a bad thing.

thanks for the feedback. the cards are designed to replicate the feel of a page of a medieval manuscript, hence the box around the indice. not likely to help for sleight of hand, surely. it's something we'll tweak if we can do it without compromising that design theme.

one last tease before we launch tomorrow. the necromancy deck ace of spades.

another card, this one from the elemental deck. this is djinn, king of hearts. also, here's our official campaign thumbnail pic.

here are the tuck cases for both decks. campaign launches in just a couple days!

More images to come soon. But the campaign is coming Oct. 7, so get ready!

looks like we're going to go with uspcc on this one.

as promised, here's another image from the upcoming campaign. this will be the card back for our second deck, the elemental deck. the first deck is the necromancy deck.

A lot of colors on that card back, I think they make it look pretty interesting. Will these be USPCC printed or EPCC?

we're leaning uspcc, but we don't rule out expert yet. we'll make a decision pretty soon. either way, the cards will be embossed with metallic foil at the minimum, and that's without stretch goals to get those embellishments. those will be standard.

Foil on the box - or on the cards?  EPCC can do foil on the cards.

again, depends on who we go with. pluses and minuses for both, so we have to choose carefully. and i think i mis-typed my earlier response. the decks will be embossed and with metallic ink, not foil, at the minimum. foil is something that might have to be a stretch goal if we were to go with uspcc. again, something that has to be decided upon soon.

as promised, here's another image from the upcoming campaign. this will be the card back for our second deck, the elemental deck. the first deck is the necromancy deck.

A lot of colors on that card back, I think they make it look pretty interesting. Will these be USPCC printed or EPCC?

we're leaning uspcc, but we don't rule out expert yet. we'll make a decision pretty soon. either way, the cards will be embossed with metallic foil at the minimum, and that's without stretch goals to get those embellishments. those will be standard.

as promised, here's another image from the upcoming campaign. this will be the card back for our second deck, the elemental deck. the first deck is the necromancy deck.

Hey, everybody, we just posted our last Dia de los Muertos update, having finished sending out packages today. We can now announce the name and launch date for this upcoming campaign: it will be called The Grimoire Series, Pt. 1, launching Oct. 7. More images to come!

hey, everybody. we're very close to making the official announcement for this campaign, including the name and date it will begin. stay tuned and we'll make sure to come back here and post some more images. we can say that it's going to be two decks based on a magick theme and the decks will be completely different, no tuck swaps or redundant cards. we're pretty stoked. thanks!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dia de Los Muertos. (KS)
« on: March 19, 2014, 03:29:12 PM »
Beautiful deck. I've seen this theme done before, but this deck is heads and shoulders over the other entries. Wish I had constructive feedback other than "I love it" but I don't! I really like purple/painted deck too - super original.

many thanks!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dia de Los Muertos. (KS)
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:46:10 PM »
I really hope we unlock the painted deck.  I wish it could switch places with the black deck in the stretch goals.

thanks for the feebdack! we get a lot of people saying they want the painted deck and now we're getting a lot of folks talking about how they love the black deck. we love that people are expressing a preference, but we're going to try and unlock them both and make everyone happy!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dia de Los Muertos. (KS)
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:44:59 PM »
Funded in a day!

COngrats guys

thanks for the support here!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dia de Los Muertos. (KS)
« on: March 13, 2014, 03:27:04 PM »
There you go pointing fingers again mister I have 2000 Bicycle decks..  And i already invited the creator and sent him the link yesterday  so there

You canadian chump you hehehehehe. By the way ordered our pyro decks last night

hey...many thanks for the plug here on the discourse. love the feedback we're getting from all points of the compass so far.

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