I have read many feedback about the project in this thread. I like to say thank you for criticisms and compliments. They are important to the development of my project. Here is my project. I would like to hear from you.
You can visit my project:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/376971306/sherlock-holmes-museum-in-playing-cardI am a big fan of Holmes and I have a complete set of books of Sherlock Holmes. As a detective fan, I am very familiar with all the characters and plots. It has been a long time for my urge to create some arts about Holmes. I am so excited with this opportunity to pay my highest tribute to Holmes. Well….I mean highest tribute as in my respect (not cash…if you know what I mean). I have been in art profession over 6 years and Holmes is my greatest interest. By combining my profession and interest, it gives birth to the project of Sherlock Holmes Museum in playing card on Kickstarter. I choose poker card as carrier for this art work, because poker card is portable, convenient for storage, and fun to play among friends.
I have heard some criticisms about impractical aspect with small card indices and so on. I think this is a great feedback, because I didn't design this poker card from actual playing perspective. I have already updated the design with two enlarged card indices facing both directions. Please check the new updated design in the end. I didn't create this art work like the regular poker cards consisting of 4 SUITs (diamonds, clubs, hearts, spades). Each of the 54 poker cards is a unique design with no repeats. They are either characters or material described by the original novels. In this way, each card carries the memorial spirit of Sherlock Holmes. (hmm…memorial spirit sounds much better than the easily misleading word, tribute..) I have spent 3 months doing nothing but designing each card. During the art creation, I also read the novels so many times back and forth to make sure I have the accurate depictions on all characters and material.
The playing card will use three layers of 280 gsm blue core paper which feels smooth and is durable. To test the quality of the poker cards, I will provide you with an extra blank card. So you can tear it to verify the material. I am a down-to-earth artist with my art dreams. I hope to actualize my dream on KS, so I didn’t set my goal at a very high price. In order to lower the amount on pledged goal, I have found some printing companies with relatively lower amount of minimum printing order.
Art is very subjective. “There are a thousand hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes” (Shakespeare). Even if you don't admire my art work, you are more than welcome to leave some feedbacks on KS or here. However, somebody with ulterior motives intends to suppress freedom of arts in US. I will never back down to such hegemony.