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Messages - no-zero

Pages: [1]
Hey everyone, I am happy to announce the US shipping is now free for all decks on! For any questions, please contact us at

Hi everyone! I am pleased to say that is now officially live and accepting orders for all 3 colours worldwide. Some of you may have noticed that the site was live a few times in the last few days, but that was only for some testing and the prices on there were not correct. The site is correct and live now.

I’d like to clarify a few points here. First, when I say that the deck was 3 years in the making, I do not mean that the specific art for this deck took 3 years. I went back and forth with the artist for a period of three years trying out different design concepts. We literally did about 50 different designs before settling on the Owl Eyes theme.  Within the Owl Eyes theme we did about 15 different variations. One of the other reasons it took so long is because al of the elements were hand drawn.

Finding the company took a long time too. The Owl Eyes were indeed printed by a Taiwanese factory. We went through a very large number of card manufacturers around the world before finding the company we used. It so happens that we used the same manufacturers as Expert Playing Cards and Legends Playing Cards uses. I would like to clarify that they were printed independently of CARC even though they are selling some. 

I would like to apologise for any confusion as to the numbers produced. There were indeed more than 1,000 of each colour produced. I asked Bill to change the original text to make it clear that he only had approximately 1,000 decks and that this figure did not represent the total number in existence.  He changed it to say that he did not know how many other decks would be released. I also have approximately 1,000 of each colour to sell.

I want to be as transparent and as helpful as possible, so if people have any questions, or any issues with the site, please email I will get back to you as soon as I can!

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