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Messages - BeDoubleYou

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: KRAKEN PLAYING CARDS
« on: May 11, 2014, 09:52:32 PM »
I have a few extra. They would be perfect for playing poker. Stock is thick and smooth. Just dont have the nice texture most cards do. Also leads to the graphics on the back looking a little blurry.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: KRAKEN PLAYING CARDS
« on: May 11, 2014, 02:22:53 PM »
Well its certainly not USPCC's best stock is all I'll say.  Its a very cool deck to look at its just very smooth finish and doesn't feel quite as satisfying as say... Steamboats.

Also the tuck box is very bad quality. Has the extra long flap that gets bent from the first time you open it no matter how careful you are.

Still, I've always been fascinated by cryptozoology and the Kraken is something that is totally possible to exist (we know more about space them we do about what's in the ocean)

Just my two pennies.

I love the deck.  :D :D

The foil star looks great and it's absolutely stellar quality in terms of handling.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: KRAKEN PLAYING CARDS
« on: May 09, 2014, 05:25:08 PM »
Deck quality is average. Probably not printed by USPCC, no seals no USPCC branding anywhere. It's definitely a cool deck.

Par for the course. People that have the original Moriarty deck think they should sell it. Why this person thinks that they are going to make $50 beats me. I put an offer in at $25 three days ago and the seller didn't even try to barter.

The tucks look great, Randy!  :o

As a backer of Dia de Los Muertos I am extremely impressed by the artwork of this deck. In terms of advice you came to the best place that you could (in my humble opinion) Don and many of the others have a lot of experience with the industry.

I may have to pledge for a deck of these. Dont worry about the theme being a little bit oversaturated, as long as you make this a high quality product, you will have created something worth collecting and cherishing.

Very good job so far. Color me optimistic on this one.

I'll take just the uncut backs please. Don't send the deck or the uncut fronts. Just send me an uncut sheet of 52 card backs.

Overall though,  it's nice artwork, and the deck does look very good. Not sure what to think about the theme. Part of me feels like its kinda inappropriate,  but another part of me thinks it's just kinda one of those fun things that just gets taken the wrong way.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: "WEER'D ONE" Playing Cards (KS)
« on: May 07, 2014, 01:16:51 PM »
Nice use of the word "isht", Don.  ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: "WEER'D ONE" Playing Cards (KS)
« on: May 07, 2014, 07:26:52 AM »
"Isht" is a synonym for a cuss word spelled with the same letters. Kids starting hearing radio DJs play the cuss words backward when there was explicit language. In fact, some rappers started using it even in the explicit versions of their songs.

I'll pay $30 for the natural bamboo one if you decide to split them up. Unless that's the one Afrank wants.

I've bought very inexpensive decks all the way up to Laser-Cut Aurum decks and everything in between. If i think that a deck isn't a good value, I simply don't buy it. If it's overpriced, but I still must have it, I suck it up, buy it, and enjoy my purchase. Not all decks fit everyone, whether it's design or price, and that's fine.

This is what my point was. I completely agree with you. And I see your point about shipping.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: May 06, 2014, 11:47:33 AM »
Hows it going formula, welcome to the forum. We have our share of magicians, cardists and collectors as well. Im sure you will fit it just fine.

Do you perform for a living or is it just a hobby? Been meaning to get a little more serious about my magic, may be nice to have people who could help and give me a few pointers.

Thanks for telling us about the deck, Stuart. It looks great! More importantly, welcome to The Discourse. If you want, you may want to introduce yourself to the community at large, in the Introduce Yourself section.

One of the description I read about the deck said it had a lot of things hidden within the artwork. Without ruining any surprises that you may habe, could you elaborate? Anyways, this deck looks great I can't wait to see more.

Although I will admit those pack jackets are pretty phenomenal. I hope they do more EPCC (or is it LPCC?) decks that include those. Although its one of those box inside of a box deals.

Well, I agree with a lot of your points, but charging $20 for Zenith is one thing because it's Paul Carpenter selling it to me. The problem with this pricepoint is, Paul Carpenter has a name that holds a lot of weight. If the deck were being made by a really prestigious independent producer, I'd be more inclined to agree that this is something that is fine. Plus, I'm in a somewhat limited price range because I don't have a very high budget. I guess that's why I'm opposed to the price.

The point I was trying to make is, it is a very nice deck. I have absolutely no doubt that these will sell like hotcakes. I just personally don't have the budget to afford a couple of these if I want to buy a brick of the next Uusi deck or LUXX or any of the other projects right on the horizon.

And for the record, I'm buying my Zenith after the fact from a collector who was nice enough to sell me one of his. And I paid more than $20 plus shipping from overseas to get it back here to me in the States. And I'm HAPPY to pay it for a deck made by Paul. Like you said, his decks are great. I'm especially happy to pay that because I have all of his other decks (except Tendril, REALLY want one of those) and they are prizes in my collection.

My only regret is that I opted to get incredibly sun burned in Naples instead of checking in to see when Zenith was going on sale.

I think this is kind of mularky. I mean De'Vo made a deck of cards with completely different backs that made a comic book. Obviously, not everybody will be interested in a deck like that. If this had been a deck of 52 unique jokers that wasn't "playable" people would definitely still buy it for the artistic value. USPCC is starting to disappoint, at least in terms of Club 808. I think this is an excellent opportunity for companies like LPCC and EPCC to try to take away some of the custom printing market from USPCC.

I think they look great, don't get me wrong. And I'm not upset that people would pay $18 for a deck. They wouldn't sell them at that price point if people weren't going to buy them. If you like the style of the cards and you have the money to spend on them, then go ahead. I won't stop you (especially because I think they look really cool) I just have a somewhat limited budget.

It mentioned something about having decks for sale on the LPCC website without the pack jackets but probably will cost the same or more as the Kickstarter campaign version, I would imagine.

There are still plenty of decks that are of great design and collecting value that cost less than $18 per deck. The Exquisite Bolds were $12/ per deck, the Uusi Hotcakes are $11/ deck.

Honestly, exclusivity is the only reason that $18 seems reasonable and candidly, I don't feel like thats a good enough reason.

Like I said, it's a very nice deck but it isn't $20 good.

Alledgedly the deck will be used primarily for mentalism effects, and the courts (other than the aces) are going to be standard so that they can be used with double facers.

Looks pretty cool though.

$18 for one deck?

As beautiful as I think the red color and the backs of the cards are, I'm gonna have to pass on this one.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Occults -- Now live (KS)
« on: May 05, 2014, 08:08:31 AM »
Ehhh, people forget sometimes.  Nothing to be embarrassed about.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Occults -- Now live (KS)
« on: May 04, 2014, 10:12:10 AM »
I think the courts are the same as the Double Black deck that they launched on kickstarter a little over a month or so ago

I don't think the courts are unique to the theme of the deck. But I could be wrong.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: "WEER'D ONE" Playing Cards (KS)
« on: May 02, 2014, 08:17:38 PM »
Use of really bad font is kind of detracting. Drawings look more like incomplete sketches. Not feeling it.

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