Thanks ecNate - no doubt it was a hard pill to swallow. It is one thing for someone to say they don't like your Chevy because they like Ford... it is another thing to have something you created get crushed online by people on KS to the forums to even friends...! But I can honestly say - without the input from this forum and the rest of the world that gave us advice - our deck is WAY BETTER!
I'm just damn glad that I have the chance to work on a project like this as it is pretty cool going back and fourth with some of you guys offline. Some of the phone calls where so enlightening - and the passion - I could hear it in their voices and that is what has motivated me to work that much harder. Even though this deck was a project for my family and I in the beginning - it has turned into a project to meet the needs of a whole new group of people that I didn't know before.... that makes the long hours - day after day - so much easier.
Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure! There is still some work to do but man... these cards are going to be so sweet when they are printed!! And the next deck... get ready for something unique and powerful.
Thanks again for all of your comments and time on the phone. I truly appreciate them and hopefully these adjustments the cards have enough horsepower meets its goal this time around.