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Messages - ThereIsNoFace

Pages: [1]
Design & Development / Re: Deck Idea Discussion
« on: June 03, 2014, 01:05:42 PM »
Looks like I have a lot to rethink about...

Design & Development / Deck Idea Discussion
« on: June 01, 2014, 07:28:54 AM »
Hey Guys!

To make a short story long (hehe :t11:), I have an idea of making a deck of cards that would honor people like Dai Vernon, D. Roth, etc.
Each J and K will have a face of a magician that significantly contributed to our magic world :) Also, I want to make each figure to do a signature move of that magician. What I mean is:
Let's say that I put Dai Vernon on the King of Spades, so the King would have Vernon's face and have his left hand closed in a fist, and his right hand waving over the fist. This would imitate Vernon's coin load from a thumb palm position into a fist.
I created this topic to ask you WHOM do you think I have to include (8 man, 4jacks 4 kings) and WHAT is his signature move?

P.S. I wrote 8 man because I don't know any famous women magicians, sorry ladies ;)

I wanted to see the list of the decks that were printed by EPCC and compare their cards to the USPCC ones. I know that people usually say that EPCC's quality is better, but I would rather see that for myself ;)

Hello EPCC,

Do you guys have an official web site? I can't find one...

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