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Messages - MMBrandAgency

Pages: [1]
Hi there,

Yes, you are correct about the "2015 Year of the Ram" copy being the back of the card. The creative team was attempting to present something bold, clean, and simple to offset the more heavy design of the face cards.

Thanks so much for the input, everyone!

Hey thanks, Publius. Our designer custom-illustrated those and did a ton of exploration. I'll pass along the word!

Hey Don,

We're sorry to hear you're not a fan of our deck. First, let me know that we have been crafting calendars that are inspired by the Chinese Zodiac for over 15 years now. Until this past year, we have used these calendars as gifts for other creatives, designers, business partners etc. in our local community. After crafting cards for this many years, we realized it might be a fun creative journey to explore other inventive ways to craft a calendar.

After much research, we discovered many parallels that exist between a deck of cards and a calendar. There are 52 cards in a deck and 52 cards in a year. There are 4 suites in a deck and 4 seasons in a year. The cool and warm colors represent day and night.

As you can see, there was quite a bit of thought (and passion) that went into this deck. You're right, it's prone to get weather damaged if left out for long periods of time - as is any product. You're also right that it's not a literal translation of the Chinese Zodiac, but based on a Swedish textile art direction that matches the personality of the ram.

The great thing about creativity is that there's quite a bit of subjectivity to be had.

At any rate, if you're interested in seeing our past calendars - take a look at the video on our kickstarter:

Cheers and thanks for your candid input! :)

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