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Messages - luketomski

Pages: [1]
Hello guys!
I am new here, but it's my pleasure to see your discussion about my custom cards.
Also thanks to ecNate and shadowkat for posting some images and infos.

A lot of you are interested in manufacturer and his history.
The most traditional card producer in our region Hraci Karty (it means Playing Cards in czech) is famous for Pegasus Logo.
The history begun in 1884. In the past there was different names based on owner's name - Ritter. It was Ritter, Ritter & Cie ...
There were a lot of renaming and owners because of hard times i Europe - the end of the Austro - Hungarian Empire, 1. World war and 2. WW...and after that in 1948 the start of communism. In the period of totality in Czechoslovakia the company was under administration of government/state.
The new history of Pegasus cards begun after Velvet revolution in 90's. New generation of Ritter family got his company back and now they'r producing a lot of quality traditional decks for Central European region (marias, canasta, rummy, patience and my favorite taroky :) )

I found some links about their works from past:

It's only general info, but I hope it could be interesting for all of you ;)

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