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Messages - Shane Sanders

Pages: [1]
Design & Development / Re: Egyptian Revival Art Deco deck
« on: August 24, 2015, 06:44:58 PM »
Thank you, Don! Lots to think about.  :)

Design & Development / Re: The Slick Deck (...again)- WIP custom deck
« on: August 23, 2015, 06:10:01 PM »
Looks great to me. You've got a good work ethic!

Design & Development / Re: Egyptian Revival Art Deco deck
« on: August 23, 2015, 04:26:26 PM »
Here's an update that takes into account the need for a white safe area, etc...

Design & Development / Re: Egyptian Revival Art Deco deck
« on: August 23, 2015, 11:14:23 AM »
Thank you for the great advice and kind words. Since I'm so early in this process, I'll be able to address all those issues you mentioned without any trouble at all. I think I need to continue to brainstorm and research while experimenting. I think I can take this kind of geometric design up a notch if I don't rush it.

Does anyone have an idea of what percentage of attempted Kickstarter campaigns are successful? I'm doing this for fun and to expand my design portfolio, but it would be cool to not only succeed in getting a nicely printed deck but to also profit a little bit. I noticed that some well designed decks failed to get funding. Do you think there's a common thread in the failures? Something to avoid? Thank you!

Design & Development / Egyptian Revival Art Deco deck
« on: August 22, 2015, 02:12:02 PM »

I've been exploring ideas these past two days for an Egyptian Revival art deco styled deck. This will be the first deck I've designed. So far I have the basic composition for the back of the cards but am not ready to show any of the other elements at the moment. Lots to learn!

Design & Development / Re: Strigiformes - Fooling around with more birds
« on: August 21, 2015, 04:53:51 PM »
This is most beautiful! Very nice work.

Pages: [1]