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Messages - Ashe Ferall

Pages: [1]
Maybe the Christmas deck by Natilia will be a nice alternative, really looking at those now :)

Thanks dude, sorry for that just emo! lol.

Neways just to be clear I'm putting the deck up high to attract attention to other decks I have on offer which are priced to sell (clearing).

Appreciate this topic closed moved out.


It's been relisted for $850.

Still a little high regardless if it's a "Private Reserve" or not.  I understand decks in-crease in value, but that's an over kill for that deck. 

He recently PM me and was willing to trade a sealed Microsoft Deck for this....

dudes, good that I have made the headlines (always wanted to)
but shouldn't we keep some trade talks under some kind of gentlemen confidentiality?
EDIT: for confidialtity
don't think it's then quite fair to say that it's overkill for a deck when yourself has quoted such a price on most of your decks?

again price is quite subjective as some may argue as to why a scarlett JR legacy is going for $500? or the microsoft deck for that matter.

anyways, i think the topic is going out of line and even though i do respect your opinions on this matter shouldn't this forum or thread be around playing cards rather than sticking it to someone (who you assume is not part of the forum) who has 'outpriced' his deck?

the design reminds me of grid but less elaborate.

Introduce Yourself / Re: yo!
« on: October 20, 2015, 03:09:59 AM »
wow sounds great and alot of information to go thru!
Let me explore and try it out one by one.

Introduce Yourself / yo!
« on: October 19, 2015, 09:27:22 PM »
hey guys!
I'm from Singapore, glad to be joining this club!
Been interested in this for just past a year now and managed to collect some nice designs!


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