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Messages - Mr.Agetee

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: Siren's Deck- OCM playing cards Now Live On KS
« on: February 26, 2016, 06:05:32 AM »
the decks are just amazing. i backed for both of them and hope a lot of people will also so you can use the more luxury paper.
love the artwork and the colors, also the features and secrets of the deck are just amazing and very thoughtful.
this deck is at the very top of my deck ranking sharing its place with the bicycle chic
the collectors box looks super amazing too, i would def buy it but we have to pay to much custom fees in germany so i have to leave it with the two decks.
maybe i have to give you the rank1 in my list becuase you do everthing on your own :D

hey bill,

i already backed your project yesterday. the artwork and colors are so amazing wow. they have to be one of the best ever!
your deck was actually also the reason i serched for a playing cards forum becuase i wanted to post your project to make sure more people will see and bake it.
but you already did the job, haha

really looking forward for the decks and hopefully you will make it to get the luxury grade papers

Introduce Yourself / HeyHo, new addict here :)
« on: February 26, 2016, 05:47:18 AM »
Hey guys, Mr.Agetee here,

i'm a new addict in playing cards collection from germany and i am 26 years old.
it all started with the Bicycle Chic deck on kickstarter. i didnt even knew cards like this exist before, i always thought there are just the standard pips, kings etc like in the 1$ decks.
at first i only wanted to have this one deck but i wanted to know how cards like this feel, so i got the Bicycle Starlight deck because of the nice back design and that was the beginning.
i use the cards for admiring the art, making fans and cuts. i dont play cards, but i think these cards are not made to be played, they are art.
for now i am owning following decks and i am looking for a few to come in:
Bicycle Starlight
Impressions Stealth
Requiem Autumn
Handlordz Dominion Specials
Handlordz Card Masters Gold Seal

LPCC Leonardo Silver
Alex Chin Verana & Inverno
Alex Chin Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Limited Edition
Bicycle Chick standard & limited
SiShou Diamands White & Black
Black Ink Devastation standard & limited
Ember Waves Atlas
hopefully Jianhao Cai Siren Ancient & Diamand

well, so much to just getting the one Chick deck :D
i really got addicted with the art and work people put in these decks. how can you not buy so much art for so little money
as kids we payed a lot of money for a single booster of pokemon cards.
here you get a lot more art for a price of maybe 3 booster packs, its amazing.

thats it, lets have a fun time in this forum, peace

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