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Messages - mm52cards

Pages: [1]
Deck Reviews! / Red October Saturn Playing cards
« on: August 13, 2016, 05:54:51 AM »
Hello that such !
It is a review in Spanish , but I would like to hear from you who like my style. I do so with a mobile camera , I do not have photo camera or professional lamps lights.
Thank you!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Legal Tender - By Jackson Robinson
« on: August 10, 2016, 02:58:09 PM »
I think an exceptional deck. I bought one of each , because I had more money and am aware ask for more when the project is based. It is also a deck that will go a lot of money and is an opportunity to get an extra good money with it.

Hola que tal!

Soy mm52cards,

There is no way to get the federal52 at a cheaper price ? about 30 euros for example?

Introduce Yourself / Me presento
« on: August 09, 2016, 08:16:34 AM »
Hola que tal!

Me presento. Soy srvaliente y soy aficcionado a la cartomagia. Colecciono barajas de magia, aunque he empezado hace solo un año. Me encanta todo lo relacionado con el mundo de las barajas y como estan construidas; su diseño, su fabricación, etc. Pretendo estar bien informado de todo ello para poder luego hace analaisis de barajas en mi canal de youtube.
Gracias a todos y nos vemos en el foro.

Pages: [1]