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Messages - dlaura26

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: May 29, 2020, 06:34:19 PM »
Hi Don,
Thank you so much for all the information.  I don't believe that my mother had a specific type that she liked to collect, other than she liked things that were old.  She primarily had decks, but still had a vast "single" collection.  She would trade individual cards with friends when she was young, so most of those would probably be quite old. 
I would like to attend in Philadelphia, pandemic allowing, in October.   Hopefully, I will see you then.  Laura

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: May 05, 2020, 06:48:10 PM »
Hi Don, 
Thank you for the information.  I would be interested in attending either, or both, conventions.  I just worry about the virus and whether travel will be possible.  If I can come, I will be there.  What kind of attendance do you usually have?  Do you have panels and discussions?   What kind of cards are people interested in? 

Yes, 30 is a collection, and your wife is a collector.    I have hundreds, which I think makes me a hoarder.   :)  Laura

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: May 03, 2020, 06:48:17 PM »
Here are a few pictures of some of the cards that I have been able to go through.  My mother had a number of games too: bridge sets, rook, Asian games, canasta, etc.  I did find foreign card decks, lots of promotional/advertising decks, airline and transportation, animals,  places and travel, mini decks and cards for children.  Most of the decks seem pretty old, a few are quite fragile.  I literally have hundreds of decks. 

 My mother liked going to flea markets and antique stores and adding to her collection.  She did have one deck of Navajo playing cards.  She was contacted by the University of Arizona who somehow found out she had them.   They wanted to study them, and she ended up donating them for a value of $1800.00!  They were quite the find.    Card collecting, and genealogy, were her hobbies when she retired 20+ years ago and now I have it, and am not sure what to do with it all.  They are fun to go through.  I plan on keeping some, and selling the rest.  It is a fun hobby, but space limitations prevail.  Laura

Introduce Yourself / Introduce yourself
« on: April 24, 2020, 05:26:30 PM »
My name is Laura Bennett and I recently joined.  My mother was a longtime member of the Chicago collectors group and more recently was a member of this group when the two merged.  Her name was Dorothy Douglas and she had collected cards her entire life.  She was originally from Cincinnati and her great aunt worked at the American card company and would bring her cards.  When she retired she took it up again and had a large collection when she passed away last June.  I have subsequently inherited her collection.   I plan to keep some of it, but can't possibly keep all of them.  I joined to learn more about them.  I am retired from the mental health field and live in Denver. 

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