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Messages - Bedeceived

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: BeDeceived Confidence Deck - moved to KS!
« on: January 05, 2013, 12:26:11 PM »
Collin, I don't think anyone here felt for a moment that you were being deceptive or trying to scam us.  We're actually rather amazed at what you've managed to accomplish in getting your decks made.  You should definitely keep a hand in the game, perhaps with the assistance of an angel investor or a program like the one at HOPC.  And not just for the cards - get your magic out there.  There are shops that will publish your effects if they feel they're worthwhile.

BeDeceived is dead - long live BeDeceived!
Thanks Don!
It wasn't so much here as it was United Cardists that a lot of accusations were being thrown around (very quickly!). I just posted that (1) because it took me like 45 minutes to write and I was not going to write something equally as long custom-tailored to this thread and (2) I think everyone deserves to hear the story and why they are purchasing the playing cards from Kickstarter. Thank you a lot for the support! This is honestly making me want to design another deck under the guise of PeachCrate. I don't think I would want to do it under Bedeceived again. 3 decks is enough there, and there's so much that comes with being part of a company with such a (often times difficult and confusing) history. Starting clean could give me the motivation to do another deck.

I guess we will see! :)


Playing Card Plethora / Re: BeDeceived Confidence Deck - moved to KS!
« on: January 03, 2013, 11:48:51 PM »
I for one understand completely about your troubles, and support you all the way. Hopefully, your final stand in the playing card industry will go out smoothly and easily. :))

Thanks, to both of you :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: BeDeceived Confidence Deck - moved to KS!
« on: January 03, 2013, 05:19:52 PM »
Hey guys! Just to clear up any confusion, I am posting what I posted to United Cardists for you guys to read.

Hey guys,

First of all, I hope you are doing well, and I'm glad that Russell invited me to the forums to give my side of the story. I am open to answering any and all questions you guys may have. I'm going to put it all out on the table and be as honest as humanly possible here. I believe in transparency, and I do share things about my business that many people may not. I do it because I believe honesty prevails, especially in situations like these where it seems some peoples' trust in me is on the line.

I have acquired a lot of debt from Bedeceived. As many of you may know, I started Bedeceived when I was only 16. I started it because I had a magic effect that wouldn't get accepted anywhere else. I figured, why not build my own site? So I did. I sold exactly one copy of that first magic effect, and that sale felt amazing. Pretty soon, I began building a reputation through the community I was attempting to build on my site (a forum not unlike this one). I believed that an amazing customer experience and honesty were what would win me business from the bigger guys out there.

In November of 2011, my stepfather took out a loan from his credit union because he believed in me, and I had shown success up to that point. This loan would pay for the Style Deck, up front. I needed money to pay a designer (Jason Wither), and of course money to print the deck itself. This credit union debt wouldn't simply go away of course, and to cope with those initial costs, I prereleased the deck. It was a huge success (not as big of a success as the Mystery Deck, but we acquired the money we had initially spent). The problem was, we had NO IDEA what went into shipping a deck of playing cards. We made a lot of mistakes. When I say a lot, I mean we barely had any money to show for it by the end. Just around $2,000. That money was spent on a trip across the country to film an effect (which was a complete bust) as well as regular costs to upkeep the website and such.

So here I was. I wanted to put out a second deck of playing cards, but had no money to do so. The first deck was successful enough to get us most of the original money back, and my parents still believed in me. I wouldn't be anywhere without them, honestly. We received a small $10k credit line from our bank for the business, and this would pay for the Mystery Deck. In the beginning, mistakes were made again. We had more wholesale orders than last time (to those of you asking, yes — we do wholesale. We've wholesaled continuously to about 10 companies, most of them in Asia). Mistakes were made, shipments were damaged, and we were out of our money again. This time, with a $6k outstanding credit to pay.

I decided that enough was enough. We would count our losses (mostly my parents, as horrible as I felt), and we decided we wouldn't produce a third deck.

This is when I began really getting serious about design. I felt horrible about letting my parents down financially (even though they're so proud of me and let me know it all the time), the more I thought about it — I decided I needed to get them their money back. They didn't ask for it. I wanted to get it. I said I would cut the costs by designing it myself. It would be a difficult task, and it was.

When finished designing, I did something a bit risky, which is where most of you are seeing an issue. I put up the deck on the Bedeceived website without having the money up front. There was no money up front, so it was impossible to do so. I felt confident (no pun intended) that the deck would sell out quickly, we would have the money, and all would be right with the world. We would finish up that deck, pay off my parents' debt, and I could move on to being a full-time designer.

Well, as Murphy's law would have it, it didn't. The deck funded on our site just about 50% (mostly from wholesale). The USPCC didn't even ask for the downpayment up front, and began printing the deck. I figured the other 50% would come eventually. The other decks had sold out before that amount of time, so why wouldn't this one? Orders slowed to a complete halt, and I was left with $4000 still to collect to get the deck. I approached the House of Playing Cards about purchasing all of the decks to sell on their own site, to no avail. I tried new marketing techniques — nothing. It was then that I decided I would use Kickstarter to fund the rest of the money I needed.

I understood from the get-go that it looked a little strange. I didn't, and still don't, think I did anything wrong by using Kickstarter. My biggest mistake was in taking the risk of preorders through my site without the money to back them up if they didn't fund completely. I had a responsibility to my customers, however, to see the deck through. So I launched on Kickstarter in hopes that the familiar platform and multiple rewards would spur people into buying. I set the goal as low as I humanly could, and launched. It funded (as you see) within 24 hours, and that makes me hopeful that the deck will ship out (hopefully with no problems) as planned, I will recoup the money I owe my parents, and have a clean slate to begin the rest of my professional life.

Someone mentioned this being a labor of love. It definitely is. I have not personally seen a dime out of this. Even when this is over, I will not see a dime. The money will fly right out the door to the USPCC, the USPS, and then finally, the bank credit line. I will not receive money, I will not see profit. So this project wasn't my "exit strategy" to cut and run from my customers. It was a way of me fulfilling my responsibility to my customers, my parents, and myself.

That's why I'm hoping a few of you will change your minds. Even if you don't back the project, I'd just like to know that I have the community on my side here. I've never used my age as an excuse for any of my mistakes. I knew it would be difficult going into it. I didn't realize how difficult it would really be, and because of that I've made a lot of mistakes. I'll be the first one to admit that.

Why didn't I post this long story before? Firstly, I didn't think launching on Kickstarter would be a huge deal to the majority of people. I thought a couple people might find it odd, but I could simply explain what I've already explained and that would be fine. But mostly, I was embarrassed. No one wants to admit they've put their parents in debt. It's not like they're not able to afford food or anything like that. The debt isn't that bad. But it's debt nonetheless. No one likes to admit that they've made a bunch of mistakes, or that after 2 successful products they have nothing to show for it. No one wants to admit any of that.

So hopefully I've made myself clearer with that monumental post. If you read it all, please go get some fresh air . I promise I'm not a bad guy. I'm not out to hurt anyone, cheat anyone, or lie. I've been as honest as I've thought I've needed to be throughout all of my business. I pride myself in that, and want to show that to everyone else, too.

If anyone has any questions for me, I'd be happy to answer them either on here, or via email at Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and have a great night.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mystery Deck from Bedeceived
« on: May 05, 2012, 01:18:13 PM »
Here's what I was talking about earlier:

Instead of waiting for teasers and the June release, everyone can see the deck here :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mystery Deck from Bedeceived
« on: May 04, 2012, 02:26:10 PM »
Boy do I have an easy answer for this... Buy what you like!  Problem solved.

I don't want to hijack this thread, but I do want to make a couple of clarifications...

HOPC is a company/website.  NOC is one of the decks we'll be offering, and it will be available in different varieties.

We will NOT be offering one single "perfect" deck.  There's no such thing.  We will be offering decks that will appeal to different desires.  Some people want decks that are good for magic.  Some want decks that are more collectable.  Some want fully custom, others don't.  There is no "one size fits all" solution.  A lot more info will be available on Tuesday.

For the Mystery deck, it appears to be a simple case of independent creation and weird timing between Collin and HOPC.  It's happened to others in the past, and I'm sure it'll happen again.  From what I've been reading, the NOC and Mystery decks will definitely have some differences.  Take a look at everything when it comes out, and buy the deck that meets your needs and desires.
Excellent post.  I agree whole-heartedly. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mystery Deck from Bedeceived
« on: May 03, 2012, 07:39:13 PM »
Hey guys!

I can assure you, the faces will be well worth it.  There's reasoning behind us doing the solid backs, and Evan has pretty much nailed most of it.

Any comment on how your deck's back is identical to HOPC's NOC deck?  NOC comes out Tuesday.

It's an unfortunate coincidence, but I can assure you that we both came up with the idea independently.  We received quite a few designs for the Mystery Deck back.  After seeing the designs, they really just didn't deliver what we want the deck to say.  They had no message.  They were just designs that would be forgotten. 

We then decided that the focal point should not be on the backs of the cards.  The spectators don't care.  What the spectators care about is the fronts, so we decided to take away any distractions from the amazing front artwork (which is DEFINITELY unique in our case) and create a blank back.  What could be more mysterious?  Cheesy skulls and ghosts?  No. 

So around a month ago or so we decided it was settled.  We were going to be bold and be the first company to do a solid colored back.  At this time the HOPC had posted the pictures teasing the colors of their backs, although no one knew at the time what they meant. 

You can imagine my surprise and disappointment yesterday when I discovered the intentions, and that's when we decided to reveal our backs to cover any bases in the future of people saying we copied them. 

While we may not be the first to do a solid deck now, hopefully we will be the first to do the solid black.  Even if not, I feel our faces are extremely unique, extremely creative, and definitely scream "Mystery".

Let me know if you have any questions and I would be happy to answer them.  We're thinking of doing something pretty cool in the next week or two to really get people geared up for the deck and give them all of the information they could ever want or need. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mystery Deck from Bedeceived
« on: May 03, 2012, 06:18:18 AM »
Hey guys!

I can assure you, the faces will be well worth it.  There's reasoning behind us doing the solid backs, and Evan has pretty much nailed most of it.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by BEDECEIVED
« on: March 12, 2012, 01:05:14 AM »
it's the Bedeceived Forums.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by BEDECEIVED
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:45:42 PM »
Hopefully you will  show up with something unique as you said :) (as i said soo many decks being released)
I honestly think this is something that will differ from anything else out there.  But it's a Mystery :)

The decks sold out today!  i want to give another huge thank you to all of you who purchased.  Now if only we can sell out these uncut sheets! ;)

I've seen the kings and some queens of the Mystery Deck, and omg are they amazing.  I think you guys are seriously going to love them - and I think they bring something totally unique to the field.  I know a lot of people say that, but these are seriously unique.  We didn't show our designer ANY playing card designs for inspiration.  We only showed some art and told him our concept.  Again, we went with a non-playing card designer like with the first deck, however Jason did not design this one. I really think you guys are going to enjoy it.

Also, cue the obligatory 'when do you think it'll be released?' at the first mention of a new deck. I doubt the name of the deck 'Mystery' will deter them from asking!
We're hoping to release it in June!  So far I've only seen the kings and a queen, and we're developing around a card every day or 2.  So by the time the final touches are put on and everything is printed, it will be June :)

Congrats on selling out of them! That's a huge accomplishment for the company. I'll be honest... I didn't except the Style deck to go very far but it did and I was extremely happy with the deck. I'm very excited to see the Mystery deck!
Thank you! Me too!

You guys have a wonderful community here.  I have the Shell, but I'm certainly honored to be a part of this group of people.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by BEDECEIVED
« on: March 11, 2012, 05:16:04 PM »
The decks sold out today!  i want to give another huge thank you to all of you who purchased.  Now if only we can sell out these uncut sheets! ;)

I've seen the kings and some queens of the Mystery Deck, and omg are they amazing.  I think you guys are seriously going to love them - and I think they bring something totally unique to the field.  I know a lot of people say that, but these are seriously unique.  We didn't show our designer ANY playing card designs for inspiration.  We only showed some art and told him our concept.  Again, we went with a non-playing card designer like with the first deck, however Jason did not design this one. I really think you guys are going to enjoy it.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by BEDECEIVED
« on: March 05, 2012, 04:59:42 PM »
Of course.  I've learned a lot from looking at some recent deck releases that got some pretty bad reviews based on the facts that it was crap in a pretty box. :)

Thank you for the tips!


Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by BEDECEIVED
« on: March 03, 2012, 11:31:34 PM »
I believe (I don't have one by me)  that in standards all of the faces are the same.  That may be where our designer got it

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by BEDECEIVED
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:22:43 PM »
Hey guys!  I want to say thank you to all of you who have ordered the Style Deck thus far!  Hopefully most of you have enjoyed them!  They've been getting great reviews on Youtube and Facebook, so that's something great! 

I recognize the two main art concerns - the court cards and the backs.  I'd like to address them here, even if I've addressed them elsewhere.  Hopefully it will convince some of you to own this deck, and if not - at least it will offer some insight into some of our motivations :)  I plan to go in more detail here than I have elsewhere.

The backs:  I can honestly say that the backs did not look amazing on the photoshop mockups pictures.  I agree there.  I liked them from the start, but as people pointed out different things they definitely lost value to me.  In the beginning we asked for a design that incorporated the logo.  We wanted something simple that incorporated the logo, because we were trying to build up our brand.  We're a new company, so having that brand recognition was one thing that was kept on the forefront.  You can see the logo on the box, the back design, and the jokers.  I admit that is a lot of branding, however it gives a good "theme" to the deck (honestly) and with our next decks we're going for much less branding and logo-ing. 

One thing I do have to say about the back design is that you cannot judge it until you have it in your hands.  I know that sounds like a cop-out to get you to buy it, but I'm serious.  Like I said, I wasn't too wild about it after a while, but when i got my first deck and pulled them out of the box - I instantly fell in love.  While I may be a bit biased, I seriously love the backs, and they really POP and draw attention (in a good way of course).  Along with the dots on the tuck box, it adds a casino sort of feel to it.  These backs are definitely unique, and the only similarity between them and any deck I can find is the Smoke and Mirrors with the logo, but even that is completely different in this regard.  They are one of a kind, and when spread out they have a nice red ribbon going across them, which adds a cool touch to your ribbon spreads. 

Next comes the court cards.  I've explained these the most, and I can completely 100% see where people feel they look like the Sentinels.  I've never disagreed with that.  What I've disagreed with is that they are the same thing.  If you look closely (Evan does a great job of showing them side by side) the Sentinels are a lot busier and use more color.  What IS similar is the "zoomed out" look.  You could say the shape is the same, but the shape is the same as a bicycle deck - just zoomed out without the border around it.  So yes, they look similar.  They aren't the same, and personally - while I love the Sentinels a lot (they were my favorite at one point) - I like the Style Deck's court cards a lot more.  They're very simple, easy to recognize, and definitely "stylish". 

To add another point, these are the best cards I've ever felt.  They are perfect for how I like my cards to feel.  Really soft and springy. They spring great, anaconda like a dream, and plus the box is really really awesome (my favorite part).

Also remember that we have a 60 day guarantee.  I'm honestly saying that you need to look at these backs yourself and let them grow on you.  Buy them, check them out, and if they don't grow on you you can send them back in their original condition and I will refund all of your money and even pay for the shipping back.  That's how sure I am that these will grow on you.  And if not, hey!  There's always next deck (Which has begun design)!

tl;dr:  Just get them.  If you don't like them you can send them back.

Hope you all have a great day, and if you have any questions at all you can post in this thread (I'll try to check it often) or email me at  We also have a pretty cool live chat feature on the site that goes straight to me when I'm online, so you can ask stuff on there. 


Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by
« on: November 05, 2011, 01:02:58 PM »
For some reason I seem to recall having seen the silhouette picture of the suited man, minus what I assume is a card spring or something.

Collin, would you mind clearing up if it's all original artwork or if any elements are borrowed/from some open source?
It's our logo, so as far as I know, no.  Maybe you're thinking of something from James Bond? haha

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by
« on: November 05, 2011, 02:42:06 AM »
I want to thank everyone in this thread for being supportive and constructive with your feedback.  The sales tonight have exceeded even my expectations, and I hope they continue to do so! 

Thank you all again!

Collin Stover

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Style Deck by
« on: November 03, 2011, 03:35:04 PM »
Hey guys,

Collin Stover from Bedeceived here.  I can assure you that a lot of time was put into this deck, and I will offer you some of the reasoning behind the designs and the marketing as well. 

The designs (such as a "rectangle" mustache) were meant to be simple.  As some of you may know, Bedeceived's tagline is Style, Mystery, and Confidence.  We will be releasing 3 decks in a trilogy, Style being the first, and the vision for Style was to be easy to look at, especially as the faces of the cards go.  Some designs go over the top, and you can barely tell what you're looking at half of the time.  Our objective was to create an elegant and simple display of art on each card.  You'll notice that all of the pips are custom as well, and are smaller than standard bicycle pips.  The court cards are zoomed out with no border, and include few colors and little distracting designs to reinforce that simple feel.  The backs bring it all together with something that's interesting to look at, and unique from other cards.  When you see a Style Deck, you will know it's a Style Deck.

As far as the Guy Fawkes goes, I will be the first to admit that not a lot of planning went into that, and that it was a mistake to continue with that without thinking it through.  Keep in mind that Bedeceived is a relatively new company and especially at the time, we were still figuring a lot out.  We simply knew that we wanted to prerelease in November, and decided that November 5th would be a significant date, and it would be cool to promote it with Guy Fawkes day.  We've since stopped promoting it that way, and any pictures you see featuring that mask are outdated.  (You have to admit though, the Fawkes mask IS pretty Stylish.  Very simple, elegant even).

So I do hope you guys give this deck a chance.  Trust me, a lot of work was put into it, and this will pave the way for the Mystery Deck.  New artist.  New art. 

Thanks for all of your interest, and have a fantastic day!

Collin Stover
-CEO, Bedeceived

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