Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Revision 1 Playing Cards
« on: April 24, 2012, 09:28:17 AM »The lack of communication by Adam/CCC was/is spooking people who paid for something they haven't received (yet). I'm not convinced that this was handled well at all, but it can at least be resolved.
You are correct, the lack of communication, by me, was handled poorly. For that I am sorry and I hope to fix that. If anyone has any issues or just has a question please email me.
Americana deliveries should be 100% smoother. Russell has an order fulfillment company handling those deliveries so he shouldn't have personal issues or defective packing/labeling materials causing problems.
This is correct. Any future large orderes will be shipped through a fulfillment company. This should eliminate about 90% of the woes i faced with the revision 1 decks.
Thanks again for everyone's patience.