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Messages - Joe Hadsall

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: Red Rounders? ( a.k.a Madison Dealers )
« on: July 01, 2013, 01:52:51 PM »
As far as international shipping goes, have you tried our i-Parcel option? The company usually makes customs much easier through pre-arranged agreements (more info is here). Any luck with that?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Red Rounders? ( a.k.a Madison Dealers )
« on: July 01, 2013, 03:19:58 AM »
For everyone who bought any amount of Dealers, thank you! We don't sleep so that we can design decks that get our customers excited and motivated to perform. Whether a card worker sees an extension of their wardrobe, finds stellar functionality or is inspired to create new presentations, we love seeing what is done with our cards.

I'll apologize for not reading all the posts thoroughly, but I'll answer some questions (at least in the neighborhood of what I've read, although I might not be very specific):


WHAT'S UP WITH THAT MARKING SYSTEM? I've read several reviews about the marking system. Personally, I think it's brilliant for something Don touched on: It holds up relatively well to a riffle test. The reason for that is because the dots are small, but more importantly, there are only six spots in the marking area that get adjusted.

To explain what I mean: Think of a marked deck you'd get in the toy department of a big-box retailer. Most of the time, those systems are organized like clocks, with separate indicator wheels for suit and value. That means there are 12 spots for the suit and four spots for the suit. Total of 16. Madison's Players deck has 10 spots.

The Madison Dealers have six. That's the same number as two of Madison's systems of marking a Rider back. That low number is a big deal, because the fewer ink spots there are to change, the tougher it will be to catch in a riffle inspection. Combine that and the very small dots with the lines of the back design -- and the natural optical illusions that result -- and you have a very solid marked deck. Is it perfect? Probably not. Is it better than other marking systems? Depends on your preference. But it's one of the best and most clever systems that I've seen.

WHY ERDNASE GREEN? Quite frankly, we are big fans of that unknown genius. After talking with Daniel during a January planning meeting, and reading about his story from Jamie D. Grant and others, Madison and Erdnase followed similar paths to discovery of artifice and subterfuge. Erdnase is a role model to many card workers, and we hope that us matching the backs of Dealers to the color of the first edition's cover pays tribute. And if someone doesn't know who Erdnase is, maybe that will get them hunting down details.

WHAT'S UP WITH SCARLET DECKS? Just to clarify, a run of about 2,500 exists (I may be wrong about the number; if so, I'll try to remember to come back here and edit the post). We offered a promotion where anyone who bought 12 Green Dealers would receive a free Scarlet deck, but only 405 would be available. That means that if someone bought 36 decks, they'd get three Scarlet decks, provided they were still available. However, Black Club members got to participate in the promo a day early, only their Scarlets were not taken out of that 405 limit.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Executive Deck from E
« on: May 08, 2013, 06:49:46 PM »
Don't assume it's always Black Club only.  This was a posted in an email to Black Club members a little after 4pm Eastern/22:00 UTC yesterday and it's the usual 24-hour head start, so it will be on sale around 4pm ET/22:00 UTC today.

Don touches on a good point. Most of the decks we produce will be available to everyone, because -- well, we like selling decks. :) If something is going to be a Black Club exclusive, it will usually be presented as such from the get-go, so if you don't see that message, don't worry -- you'll get a stab at it. Remember that we have released only one Black Club-exclusive deck.

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