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Messages - nbrock

Pages: [1]
Awesome! Thank you Mr Boyer :)

Just updating the KS now. Thanks for everything guys!


Here's an additional one. Just fine tuned the borders!


Well, after looking at different routes for the backs...I think this is the final. There are plenty of other versions but I want balance in the design and it's very difficult to achieve that with this pattern! However, this one is looking v promising! What do you guys think?


Hey guys! I'm Chris, the designer of The Type Deck.

Thanks for the comments and feedback on the deck. Over the weekend I have been redesigning the backs of the cards, as I've seen the responses from the forums and how they'd like to change it. I was hoping to get some feedback on the designs from you guys.  I've attached an image for you all to take a look at.


The mirrored pattern still needs some more attention but at least you guys can picture what i'm thinking.

As this is a typography based card deck, I kind of feel it needs to have some form of typography shown on the backs, but not too crazy like before. Maybe like B or C?

No.4 - this has an extra shadow pattern behind. I like this one, but I don't think if I was to use this, i'd have to rethink the tuck box etc and from looking at the quotes, It will add another $1,000 for the additional foil colour to the existing 3 (if it hits the target).

What are your opinions / suggestions?!


Design & Development / Re: Dimensions!
« on: April 26, 2013, 01:25:41 AM »
Don, your a star!

Theres some real helpful tips in amongst that. Thank you! Yes, I've not bought a brick yet but I think I will be backing one on KS this month when one comes up.

Do you think its a good idea to still put together a brochure so to speak for others to get educated on?

Thanks again !

Design & Development / Dimensions!
« on: April 25, 2013, 09:56:12 PM »
Hey Guys,

I've been working on a playing card deck now for nearly 5 months and its coming together nicely. I cannot wait to show you guys what its about!

So, its time for me to figure out pricing costs for shipping and dimensions for packaging. I wondered if anyone has released any document or guide when it comes to this topic. I know there have been alot of Kickstarter projects for playing cards, so I wondered if anyone has shared their postage / dimensions experience with us. If there hasn't been anything released, I will put some time aside to give everyone a guide to the postage costing, as I intend to try the Kickstarter way to help fund the cards.

What I think would be great for everyone to know is a guide to:

- Know the average price of a 2,5000 deck printed by the USPCC (usually around $6-8000)
- Know the best + easiest currier to go with for individuals
- Know the weight of a single playing card deck
- Know the weight and dimensions of a brick
- Know the best packets to use to protect the decks.

I also intend to do a list of price breakdown for each deck shipping. Be it 1/2/5 or 10 Decks in a single parcel etc.  for Canada USA and some Europe prices. That way others may not get screwed over when it comes to costing shipping charges :)

Has anything like been done before or shared?

Cheers for reading! :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Grid 2.0 from 4PM Designs (KS)
« on: March 07, 2013, 07:08:48 PM »
These decks are soooo sweet !!! great job on them!  :D

Design & Development / Re: Embossing / foiling on Tucks USPCC
« on: March 01, 2013, 10:29:40 PM »
Thats great! :)

Thanks for the tips! Let me get the visuals up for ya'll!

Design & Development / Re: Embossing / foiling on Tucks USPCC
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:30:17 PM »
Yeah I thought it may be something like a couple of thousand for the added foiling. I think it'll be worthwhile though, it makes the tuck more special I think.

Is this board a good place to upload some imagery and get some feedback for the designs? Is there a thread for it? I feel it maybe easier for you guys to see the idea I have rather than trying to use your imagination lol

Design & Development / Re: Embossing / foiling on Tucks USPCC
« on: February 28, 2013, 09:42:13 PM »
Yeah she's emailed me back super quick. But directed me to Canada department as I'm in Vancouver. I'm just curious of what  everyone else's enhancements costed. I really love some of the stuff the USPCC do! Cant wait to work with them.

Thanks guys! :)

Design & Development / Embossing / foiling on Tucks USPCC
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:36:59 PM »
Hey guys, 

I'm looking to get some cards printed by the USPCC and its a pain trying to get a quote from them for having printing enhancements added to the tuck boxes. To the people out there who have had decks produced, I just wondered if you would mind enlightening me a rough price it goes up by if you were to add a Foil / Embossing to the tuck case... are we talking $2000+ ?

Note: i'm thinking of getting a run of 5000 produced.

Thanks for reading!   :D

Design & Development / Re: Vända deck now available on kickstarter!
« on: February 24, 2013, 01:28:55 AM »
These look soo sweet! I want one :D

Design & Development / Re: Imperial Deck - IN PROGRESS
« on: February 18, 2013, 02:31:32 PM »
wow these look great!!

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