I decided to take a little step back from the cards to make sure I was still happy with the design of the cards. I know there are concerns with complete symmetry of the court cards but I think the design of the background, while not symmetrical, lends itself to not needing to be symmetrical. Below is what the King cards look like when held both "right side up" and "upside down". While there is a difference I don't believe there'd be a desire or need for a player to flip their card over to make sure it was facing the correct way. Though I will admit I may be way off and biased as I personally like the design better; it feels less cluttered and the Kings appears to be more easily readable. What are y'all's thoughts on this seeing them side by side?
Jokers are looking good. K and R in the word Joker have a little offset issue. May consider lining the spine of each letter with the outer edge of the O. The O is the anchor letter and the one which will enable other letters to illusion one way or the other. The outer edge should be as straight as possible, again for illusion purposes and because our human eyes like an outer line giving a frame quality.
After you pointed out the offset nature of the K and R on the word Joker, I noticed it. Funnily enough, I checked the alignment and they were spot on; must be something with the shape of the letters. I moved the two letters over like 1-2 pixels to see if it'd alleviate the problem, which I think it did.
Cool! In my opinion smaller background is better. I would leave Jokers without background at all, to highlight them. Good Luck!!!
Thanks SunDay811 for the input, I'm glad to hear from as many people as I can
While I do like the smaller background, the larger background does feel more appealing to my eye so for this deck at least I'll probably keep it that way. If all goes well I'd definitely like to do more decks and will likely have to utilize the white space a bit more down the road. Oh, and I check to see what the Jokers would look like without the background and while cool, when I compared them to the rest of the deck they felt out of place. Again though, its definitely something I'll have to consider for future decks