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And a good day to you, Sir!

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And a good day to you, Sir!
« on: February 22, 2017, 12:45:34 AM »


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Hello everyone! I'm both a new card collector and a new member of the 52 Plus Joker club. I started collecting cards randomly in July 2016. I was looking for a deck of cards for general use, but I wondered if there was anything different than the typical Bicycle deck I grew up with. So to Amazon I went. I ended up finding the Bicycle Series 1800 cards by Ellusionist and thought they looked pretty awesome so I ordered two decks (one red, one blue). A few days after that (and before the Series 1800 decks had arrived), I was back on Amazon (because reasons) and stumbled onto the Bicycle 130th Anniversary decks. Needless to say, I placed an order for a set of those as well. It's only got worse (better?) from there. I now have ~250 decks and a depleted checking account, but no regrets. I'm happy to be a part of the playing card collector community and hope to learn a lot from all you seasoned collectors as time goes on.

Re: And a good day to you, Sir!
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2017, 09:46:33 AM »

Eddie Hughlett

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Welcome Soochinator,

I too hope to make the convention this year in Kentucky. Last year's event was my first and the members made me feel like one of the gang. I think there is a tremendous amount of preparation that the club puts into the organization for this event. From the mixer the night before to the dinner the last night... it is all first class. My only advice is start saving now because you're going to see some astonishing stuff you just must have.

"...almost every ruse in the game is more or less dependent upon another one."

 - S.W. Erdnase

Re: And a good day to you, Sir!
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2017, 04:45:10 PM »


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Eddie speaks the truth!

Welcome to the club!  :D


« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 04:45:45 PM by Kruser »
"The mind is like a parachute - It works best when it's open." - Frank Zappa

Re: And a good day to you, Sir!
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2017, 07:43:56 PM »


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Thanks Eddie & Kruser! I'm glad to hear your positive comments on the yearly convention. I am definitely trying to plan ahead and be there in KY. Not only to meet other members and learn about some of their interesting, rare, and vintage decks, but also to tour USPCC. I doubt another opportunity like this will come along again for me for many years if ever. And who better to tour their facility with? I imagine we'll be like kids in a candy store! Have they thought about ordering some Walmart kid leashes to keep us in line? Haha