I haven't used anything like Kickbooster. My suggestion and your mileage may very, is if you're willing to pay for advertisement and such like, you're better off doing more or taking some time to re-think your plan. I hope you don't take any offence as it's not meant to be, but to me, you're the one working super hard for this and it's your money.
My suggestion is, if you haven't, reached out to other interesting projects you like and see if they're willing to cross-promote with you. You plug each other. In all honesty, you'll probably get a lot of non-replies or negatives, but it's a good valid way and a lot of projects do it these day.
The other thing is that, it seems, that your project is a board game with a playing card component. Nothing wrong with that, but it may have an identity crisis of who you're appealing to or maybe it's confusing people as they're unsure of it. For your board game side, do you have any physical copies even if it's a test copy? The board game communities are HUGE. Try to reach out to people in that community (you'll have to do your own research). Have videos of play test so people can see how the game works. Maybe even have prototype print and play versions for people to try out and take feedback. Same thing for playing cards, there are places to print out test samples of them and you can find reviewers, there's a pretty prolific reviewer on this forum that post regularly in the review section, who have their own reach and audience. These last bits might not be as useful now and maybe something to think about if you decide to relaunch if you're unable to successfully fund the first time.
None of this is hard and fast rules, but I think if you're willing to pay, you're better spending your money and time in other ways to promote your project as you worked hard on the project.
Good luck and I hope some of the advice is helpful.