I'm somewhat hoping that they've at least changed the back design and stuff.
Let me ask you a question: Did you like their six- deck series then?
The first three (six) decks they had were minor additions to their back design and new names, such as Special or Luxury editions. No recoloring what-so-ever.
With their next three (four) decks, they kept the same back design, but instead decided to release them in three different themes. No back design editing at all.
But please, for the love of all things peaceful like doves and stuff, have a teaser that isn't 1mm away close ups of the deck.
Well, you've got to think of it this way: A teaser is supposed to tease, and those 1mm close-ups will do just that. If the Bucks wanted to show their entire deck box, or maybe a few cards, they would call it a reveal. Understand it better?
I like steak
You should eat more poultry instead, it's healthier for you...
Well certain fish tend to be high in omega 3. Great for the brain.
I personally prefer potatoes with my salads.
Will you three shut up?!? It's around dinner time on my side of the world and I'm getting hungry. GROWL.