I was planning on waiting a couple more weeks to introduce myself and my deck design, but after I saw Encarded's Tendril very nice preview I figured I better do it now so no one thought I later "borrowed" the inclusion of a border and background pattern on the face cards.
Hello everyone,
My name is Randy Butterfield. I'm a designer with
Motive Marketing and I live in Indianapolis, IN with my wife Susan, our 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son. I have been working on my design for ORNATE Playing Cards for a couple months now. With work and the family I usually only get a couple hours to work on the cards late at night, hence the name Midnight Card Company.
I have lingered around on this great forum for a few months now and have a lot of respect for the regulars and their opinions. I will have a Kickstarter campaign up for the cards probably in February or March. I still have some court cards and the Jokers to finish plus I want to do an animation video / trailer.
I have been a fan of playing cards since I was a kid and have always loved great packaging design, so when I was introduced to Kickstarter and saw the Revision 1 Deck in mid-campaign I was hooked. That and the Americana Deck are two of my favorite custom decks I have seen. Both created by fellow Indianapolis residents even!
I have posted the Tuck Box (haven't touched the legal flap yet), the Back and a few of the Face Cards. The cards have kept me pretty busy so I haven't had much time to lockup any domain names or attempt to get any quotes from the USPCC or any other business-related necessities. I hope everyone likes the look of it!
thanks, Randy