Hey Everyone,
I'm not adept at website coding, at all. I'm currently working on relearning Dreamweaver, so my original plan was to just squeak out
a finished website and not deal with a store section. After I saw Paul (Tendril -
http://encarded.bigcartel.com/) mention that he uses
big cartel for his store I checked into it and it's really cool. They host your store at a small monthly fee and you don't have to worry
about any order coding stuff.
So, unless my Poker Set turns out like crap, I'll have the Poker Chips for sale on my site in 2 areas. The first being a cheap 4 Chip
(one of each color) Sample Set so people could make a small purchase first and get some Chips in their hands before they invest in a
full set. The second being the set quantities of 100, 250, 500, 600, 750 and 1,000. If big cartel allows for dropdown ordering of specific
quantities I'll probably go with that so people can get the exact amount of Chips they want. Either way with the sets I'll have a sentence
or 2 stating that when someone orders they can e-mail me with Chip color breakdowns if they don't want 25% of each color in their set.
So far here's what I was thinking of having in my store:
Poker Chips SAMPLE SET
Poker Chips Set Quantities
1 or 2 Shirts
Art Glycee Prints
Playing Cards and Uncuts (these will redirect to the store page of the company that's producing and distributing the cards)
I'm happy to take any suggestions if anyone has any ideas on other items.
@ Dudee, Plastic cards is something I didn't look at in-depth, but after seeing all the hassle that Reagan has gone through
with his plastic cards (the Kem/not Kem debate) I'm thinking that I'll stay out of that arena at this time.
thanks, Randy