Hey - put that air humper back in its holster! You're scaring the normals!
That got me.
You...dear sir, owe me a new keyboard. I reverse snorted my tasty beverage when I read this.
Hey, it's not my fault you don't have a keyboard condom. Always practice safe sext!
Took a closer look at the decks in the variety box. Those GOLD Private Reserve S&M's are phenomenal. The Red Whispering Imps & Red Chinatown decks look amazing now seeing them in person.
Would you pick the gold private reserve over the branded black reserve note? Just curious. I'm now leaving towards getting the box. I figured I'd have more chances getting the black reserve note, but this maybe one of the few chances I have of getting the gold private reserve...
Speaking as someone who got bored with Dan and Dave deck designs a long time ago, I'd go for the Black Reserve Note - but speaking from a practical perspective, it's a matter of what will make you happier. Use that as your guide and it's harder to make bad choices. Maybe you'll get the other deck down the road - and maybe you won't. But the fact remains that there's ALWAYS new decks - they're starting to become like locusts! Always something interesting around the corner. So you didn't get THIS interesting deck, maybe you'll get THAT interesting deck...
Im actually selling a Private reserve as we speak. Its the only one that isnt a "buy now" for 5,000 dollars.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Anyone who pays US$5,000 for ANY brand-new pasteboard deck needs their head examined - and lobotomized!
Okay, thanks for your input So when you said the gold S&Ms were phenomenal, did you mean primarily because of the way it handles? I think the tuck box is very nice. I haven't seen the courts, but the tuck box itself is well designed, so that's kind of why I want it.
Well no. I have not handled the actual cards yet. I mean the entire S&M series in terms of usage. The private reserve is phenomenal because you can tell by picking one box of cards up and putting it in your hands, it's not just an ordinary deck. It's meant to exhibit the highest quality. The attention to detail and tightness of its clean yet complex tuck design are instantly apparent.
All that means is that they spend good money making a really cool package. It's the exact same reason why cigarette companies started using that box design in the first place - it made the product look more appealing.
I don't know about you, but while I may like a good box as much as the next guy, I buy the box for its contents, not because it's a pretty box! To my knowledge, the Gold Reserve deck is IDENTICAL to the v7 Carbon deck, except it has gold accents. I doubt it even has the unique courts and pips they used for all the decks through version 6! It's likely got the standard faces of v7, a little recolored, and the same exact back design they've used for the past five versions of S&M, including this one. Same Ace of Spades, same jokers. It's why I have a hard but humorous time believing that there are idiots out there shelling out four figures for a freshly-printed 4-ounce pile of paper!