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Kickstarter: Deck of Sailors

Author (Read 249 times)

Kickstarter: Deck of Sailors
« on: February 26, 2025, 02:39:00 AM »


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The only deck your crew will ever need... apart from the one under their feet.
90 unique cards in a bold black and white style inspired by The Caribbean Sail.
Deluxe Deck - 90 cards in total. Major and Minor Arcana, Jokers, and bonus cards!
Minor Arcana - Coins, skulls, hearts, and swords.
Major Arcana - 22 unique poker size tarot cards labeled by roman numeral
Bonuses - 2 game cards, 4 mysterious red aces, a tarot reference card, and more!

Long ago, before the times of "Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds" there were four other suits; Coins, cups, swords, and polo sticks. Many evolutions followed and when the Visconti-Sforza deck lead to the Tarot deck we know today, it was used for playing games such as "French Tarot" most similar to the modern game of "Trumps" rather than divination.

You can't divinate the future or play tarot with only 52 cards so I bring to you the Deck of Sailors! Perfect for playing old card games like Tarot, Scopa, Tarocchini, and contemporary games like hearts, speed, gin-rummy, or even inventing your own card games! Try playing The Hunt for Davy Jones, a Victorian Clambake original!

Each card is flexible and sturdy with an air-cushioned finish making them a dream to handle and perfect for performing magic or cardistry as well.

Yes I am a backer looking to promote this great project
We have already reached to first goal of $5000 which gets us a beautiful foil box "Each tuck box will be printed with reflective white and blue foil ink on a T20 black stock."
We have 4 days(03/03/25) left to show support for this unique kickstarter and reach the higher stretch goals.
I am hoping you will join me aboard deck in time to set sail for a beautiful horizon

« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 01:43:33 PM by QuickDraw »