Here's my take on that list:
- MC v2
Maybe. Maybe not. Tough call. They're pretty rare. It's a strong possibility, but not a certainty.
- Dragon Backs (LOL)
Nope. Too inexpensive and not known for their performance characteristics.
- T11 Rebels (when they come out)
Almost a sure thing.
- S&M v7 (in a little while)
Almost a sure thing. I'd be shocked if they didn't include it.
- Fulton's CJ/Chinatown
Maybe, maybe not. I guess it depends on just how long it takes them to sell them out. And remember that the Chinatown deck was likely their shortest run of a generally-available deck (this doesn't count either MC deck, nor does it count decks made by other companies/people).
- Vintage Plaids
Practically a sure thing. Some love them, some hate them, but they seem to be mostly popular.
- Robocycle?
Take everything I said about the Dragon Backs, and add "and they're kinda ugly" to it. Not USPC's most popular deck.
There are other possibles...
T11 Monarchs - they already sell them. Don't hold you breath on the white ones, though!
T11 Sentinels - recently reprinted and back in stock.
T11 Bee Stingers - Ohio originals or Kentucky reprints.
T11 Propaganda - either the original Ohio decks, the Kentucky reprints or the "version 2" they mentioned was in development (though that was so long ago, it might be off the production calendar).
T11 Platinum anything
Arrco Tahoe blue and red reprints - this is a highly possible deck, since it wasn't terrifically expensive. Even the black and inverted black Tahoes are a possibility.
Some uncanceled casino deck (NOT JERRY'S NUGGET!) Well, actually, there are other Jerry's Nugget decks - the actual casino issue, as opposed to the gift shop version.