What's No-Doz?
I'm really disappointed. Up till now, every other month the decks were pretty good, but now they just suck. But after 3 consecutive months of crappy decks, I'm pretty sure they'll give us a better one soon. Or at least I hope so.
October: 1st eddition arccos - 10$
November: Arrco US Regulation Blue Seal (OHIO) - 10$
December: Tungstene - 35$
January: Smoke and Mirror v6 - 10$
February: Bee Squeezers - 5$
March: 1st edition Split Spades Blue - 15$
April: Cambric Finish Premium Gold Bee - 5$
May: A. Bandit Deck - 15$
June: Aristocrat Reprints - 5$
July: Fulton's Clip Joints - 5$
August: Vintage Plaid - 5$
It's a nice deck, but it's not what I expected.
After 6 months of me being in the program, it's added up to 50$ for me. So after 12 months, if I double it, that would make 100$. The price I paid. I'm not paying for shipping, but it's still VERY disappointing. They better give us some red JAQKs or Jerry's or some DB new decks. Or I'm suing them. Just kidding. But I will slaughter them