There's no dating code (sorry I don't know how to describe the code) on AoS, how could we date this deck 30 years later?
By referring back to this forum!
There is almost always a Copyright date on the bottom or top flap of the Tuck Box.
Dating codes usually only appear on decks that the USPC makes for itself, not for others. The Steam Punk deck from T11 had no AoS code, but the USPC edition does. Checking for copyright dates like Randy said is the best bet - making it all that much more important in the future for vintage deck collectors to find intact boxes along with the decks they buy!
Heres a pic of the ring....
Maybe they'll be selling it? hint hint....
Yeah that is a snazzy wring. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few for sale
Well, PoundFFFFFF did mention there would be other things for sale on the site when it goes into store mode on Friday... But a ring? Unless it's rigged, like a PK ring or something, I'd be asking myself "Why?"
Also turns out that Skulker is the name of a villain in a cartoon my son watches, Danny Phantom...
Am I the only one who noticed the similarities between the shape of the Skulkor Ace of Spades and the "Danny Phantom" Skulker's head?