No one has really seen everything yet, but here is my abbreviated review from what I have put together so far. Obviously, your opinion may vary.
- Skulkor brand name: reminiscent of 80's cartoon bad guy name. Root word has entirely negative connotations. Trying way too hard to be "gothy" or mysterious. Sounds embarrassing to say. Not related to cards, magic. A poor choice.
- Marketing: Excellent, as they've manged to build amazing hype, get people to change profile pictures, get people to comment like they are the second coming. Very clever and effective. Not my style at all, but obviously working.
- Skulkor deck box: beautiful, love the subtle texture.
- Wax deal deck gimmick: Brilliant and gorgeous. Honestly wish I'd thought of it.
- Accessories (rings): Honestly no idea who would ever wear that, other than an angsty teen
- Skulkor deck: For me, hugely anticlimactic. Entire predictable variation on a theme we all own probably 10x over. Jokers are wonderful, rest is entirely forgettable.
My conclusion: Masters of hype marketing, but their debut product will be one that in six months you glance at on your shelf and pass on by to pick up something more compelling.
Again, this is purely my personal opinion. I wish success to them and hope that more independent makers can build the custom card market into a better place.