I wasn't around for his whole 'battlefield' debacle so I can only go on what I've seen; the whole 'Xtreme' nonsense (I hate that more than you'll ever know), talking about 'darkness', the Gothic design and odd egotistic rhetoric. Honestly, the guy just comes off as a bit of a dork, nothing more.
Aside from that, the deck looks basically the same as the others with a nicer colour to it (more interesting, anyway). The new tuck box is better but the overall design on it... the circular shruikan is off centre, should be in the middle IMO. Don't like the typeface or the phrase 'blood metal' (what is that even supposed to mean?). Don't like the signature; looks tacked on, as does the design at the bottom. I think it would look way better with just the shruikan, slap in the middle of the tuck box and nothing else.