Okay sheesh,
Moving on, my apologies to those who don't like the uncuts. In case you're not aware kickstarter allows cancellations. Please I would never want anyone get them and be disappointed.
I know and practice in a way that shows my integrity, so I wont even touch the accusations of being misleading.
The real issue is that some are okay and some aren't okay with the way they look.
The uncuts were never posted on kickstarter, the posters were. The posters have black backgrounds and a title at the bottom. I don't recall any uncut sheets EVER being printed that way.
Care was taken to call them posters and NOT to elude any relationship to the uncut sheets. This isn't in defense but stating a fact for anyone who hasn't been to the kickstarter site yet and might assume the worst of my efforts. Nuff said.
I recently posted an update on the kickstarter site titled: "These are your cards, not mine!" due to printing issues, the box design had to change, much to my dismay. I finally conceded to a design that seemed to work best (all things considered) and after getting a message about it, and through sheer luck came up with something that is more like what I wanted and everyone liked! Yay!
I do feel this deck belongs to those who get it, and have worked hard to consider the feedback.
So regarding the uncut sheets: An uncut sheet is a product of the deck, exists because of the deck. The deck is first and foremost. To alter the design strictly for the sake of the appearance of the uncut sheet would compromise the deck itself. With that said, just before launching on kickstarter, I kept looking at the printing layout
wishing it could be different. The deck would have been everything it is now and less work for me had I left it alone and the uncut sheet would have been interesting but not in spectrum order.
Here's the original uncut, as it would have been in ACE-King order, so those of you who like uncut sheets, understand that I spent two days re-arranging the color scheme, laying out the cards and resubmitting everything to USPCC for one reason, to make the uncut sheets more attractive.
Here's what it ALMOST WAS:
The old layout
Some here in this forum have asked me to change it back, but it is as it always was, unless I change it back to the above layout. It never was layed out like posters. Besides, the poster which I'll agree is prettier, is cheaper! Win/win!
For those who like the details: the cards are printed in order from left to right in a row, then back to the left at the next row. and so on, so either I screw up the spectrum when you actually use them and spread them out, or I go with the spectrum starting over on the next row. And since this is about the deck more than anything, the compromise HAS to be with the sheet.
I can tell you, the uncut will look awesome on my wall as is and I can't wait for it. Even the above image is pretty cool for an uncut.
The first thing that makes the uncut sheet appealing to me is that it's an actual sheet from the printing of the deck itself, I thought that's why collectors like them? If not the have I got a cooool poster for you!
The deck comes with the cards that it comes with and every card HAS to go somewhere!
On the 2nd day of kickstarter I posted the uncut image you may have seen, at the request of a backer. at that point only a few sheets had been ordered, so there was no hiding anything.
One last thing, Hazofhorsham deleted a very VERY important point... In my haste to present the uncut image I used an existing sheet from a google search and superimposed the jokers and ace etc, since the rest of the deck is standard bicycle faces. It didn't hit me that the order of the front is in si stebbins rather than A-K!
Understanding that the focal point of the "look of the uncut" issue is about the back colors, I simply over looked the order of the front.
Time constraints won't allow me to make an accurate mock up of the front, and I will take down the front sample right away to avoid confusion.
Even though hazofhorsham deleted the post and I could have just fixed it without mention, I wanted to be "transparent" as always.
All the best intentions! Glad I got saw that H!
Kickstarter took off today again! Whoo hoo!