Thats what I said above. Im not sure if every deck is the same. They might all be a little unique. Which in a way is pretty neat. I should check out some videos on youtube and see what kind of cards other people got with their deck.
Oh, that's cool! Some people got tally-ho circle backs and fan backs, many casino cards, aristocrat casinos, bees, bicycle vintage, etc.
The actual cards - are they different stocks and finishes? If not, they're probably just reprints of the originals, in which case the cards would likely be the same from deck to deck. It would be a lot of trouble to have different deck sheet designs and different printing plates created.
I have the Magic Makers Rainbow Deck. There's a variety of cards in there, but there's a bit of repetition, and many identical designs in different colors - ever see a Santa Back in a color other than red or green? I suspect the Green deck and the Prism deck are better in terms of variety, but likely identical or close to it in terms of how they work. I haven't watched my Rainbow Deck DVD yet, so I couldn't say.
(I always thought it odd that most sellers will sell you the MM Rainbow deck, but not the DVD they made for it...)