Massa deck review
Video Review coming soon!
Uploaded with The Box:
Very pretty box. The gold is very shiny and sleek. The box isn't durable though, it's not glued very good and the lid cracks easily if you open it too much. The box also has 2 color variants; light gold and an orangish gold! Cellophane is also bit "baggy". By
deckreview at 2012-02-22
The backs look very cool in thumb fans. In giant fans though they're rather plain. The backs do not have metallic ink. It's a one way back design that can be useful for magic. Unlike most other one way backs, this "marking" can be very useful. The one way back design is very noticable when shuffling. The backs have full bleed of black making some magic tricks harder/impossible to do.
deckreviewHandling 3/5
The cards fan good but not great. Standard bikes fan better. The faros can be done if you have the skill, no auto pilot faros here!. The cards do get a sticky feeling fast making cuts easier to do. The cling is very nice for cuts. The sticky feeling may not be comfortable for fanners. The finish breaks down before the actual card stock is broken in unfortunatly.
deckreview at 2012-02-22
Stock 7/10
Very thin stock. It's got some good stiffness too it. Very stiff out of the box making Le paul spreads difficult. It takes a while to break in the stock.
deckreview at 2012-02-22
Faces and misc:
Nothing special about the faces. The pips are more in side the deck though making them harder to see in fans. The reds are darker. They have cartemundi faces. The cards also have a strange, kinda good new card smell. Most likely caused by the glossy inks on the back of the cards.
Uploaded with My opinion:
These are cool cards. The feel and handling is unique to this deck and is worth a try. These are very cheap too and the boxes looks nice for any collection. The handling may not be for everyone though.