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House of Playing Cards Project from The Blue Crown (Launches May 8th!)

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when  approximately you will launch the next deck???



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Kakos - we're going to at least take a brief break from the future and making announcements, teasers, etc.

Right now, we're focused on making sure the site is working well, customer emails are handled, current orders are going out quickly, etc.

We'll make announcements on future products soon enough.  But for now, we're focusing on the products at hand, not the ones that will be coming later.

Production Manager



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I don't see why everyone is bashing the NOC decks. They set out for a simple deck and the slogan is "Minimalistic Playing Cards", They set out for a simple deck that doesn't look suspicious, and they did so very successfully. Props to you HOPC.



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Kakos - we're going to at least take a brief break from the future and making announcements, teasers, etc.

Right now, we're focused on making sure the site is working well, customer emails are handled, current orders are going out quickly, etc.

We'll make announcements on future products soon enough.  But for now, we're focusing on the products at hand, not the ones that will be coming later.


I didn't feel quoting your second to last post would be smiled upon because of the length but i do appreciate you addressing just about every single concern that has come up on this forum. I am very excited to see what HOPC has to offer in the very near future!
have you heard the word???



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I don't see why everyone is bashing the NOC decks. They set out for a simple deck and the slogan is "Minimalistic Playing Cards", They set out for a simple deck that doesn't look suspicious, and they did so very successfully. Props to you HOPC.

I agree completely...from the very beginning it has been clear that this deck was MEANT to be simple. If that's not something you're interested in than you don't have to buy them. The deck's were made so you can use them whenever without people thinking it's some kinda crazy tricked out deck, as well as coming in some cool colors that you don't see that often in standard looking decks.

I would also like to say that the HOPC team has fantastic customer service, and I look forward to seeing what else they plan to release in the coming months!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 03:24:59 PM by Eyeball »



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Kevin - I don't believe that "most" kickstarter decks sell out before they are released as sites like Circle City and Lance Millers site sell them after they get printed. Also most people here know about kickstarter and the decks there and have plenty of opportunity to pick some up before they "sell out".

Also, I think HOPC is great and so is the deck designer thing is good, for designers, but what about customers. You talk about decks selling out on kickstarter, well at least with kickstarter everyone who wants to get a deck can back the project and secure themselves some decks. But going through a site like yours on the other hand we often times lose out on decks because of limited quantities and a limited time frame to get them in. I don't know what others think but I like that about kickstarter, I always get the decks I want with little or no hassle!



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So far we have had no hassles on HOPC.  All decks are still in stock and available for purchase.  Questions or issues?  Email or call us, and we'll take care of it ASAP.  Trust me, we LIKE it when people can buy our decks and they're available beyond the initial release window.  I feel that both The Blue Crown, and now HOPC, have a very good track record for our deck availability.  Yes, some have sold out incredibly quickly.  But several others have had availability for weeks or months, plenty of opportunity for anyone to purchase.

Perhaps "most" was a poor choice of wording on my part for Kickstarter projects in terms of selling out.  But certainly, the majority of KS projects only print about 5000 decks, and the majority of the run is gone, leaving a relatively small number available for sale after the fact.  Very few HOPC decks will be at the minimum print run.  We will have a lot more available for everyone.  And sure, most people on this board know about kickstarter projects.  But the card market goes far beyond any particular forum.

HOPC has a much wider advertising reach than the average individual.  This makes it easy for designers to get their names, websites, etc out there to the masses.  Forums like this definitely help in the success of KS projects, that's for sure.

HOPC will not be specializing in limited runs.  Generally speaking, as long as there is demand for a deck, we will continue to reprint it.  Of course, this will be a collaborative decision between HOPC and the designer of a particular deck.

Some people will want to stay in control of their project from start to finish.  KS is great for that.  Others want to focus on their primary love - designing.  They don't want to deal with all of the other aspects involved with selling a deck.  These are the kinds of people the program will appeal to.

Likewise with customers.  Some people like the social aspect of kickstarter.  Others don't want to pledge money now for a deck that will come out in a few months.

We're not looking to shut down kickstarter by any means.  We're simply another option, for designers and for customers.  We feel that we are a very good option.  Will our program be everyone's cup of tea?  Certainly not.  But we have already had contact from some very talented designers, and people who know the costs and efforts of running a deck (with or without kickstarter), who are all very interested in our program.

At the end of the day, our goal is to make awesome decks of cards.  That's really the bottom line.
Production Manager



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Well that sounds good then.



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Hey guys - Just got word that additional international shipping options have been added!
Production Manager


Paul Carpenter

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I just wanted to lend a quick note of support to HOPC and Reylek here. While at this moment in time, I personally do not feel the need to go through HOPC for supporting my deck designs, I think it is a great opportunity for many people. The model they have is known to work (think app store) and being able to focus on design and not marketing and money is great.

As an independent designer I don't feel that I need it right now, but very well might down the road. HOPC is a great environment and will absolutely foster more interesting decks for us. Perhaps the NOC was a little risky of a intro, being so far from the norm of what we "expect" as collectors but it fits it's intended purpose well. The primary challenge I see for HOPC is getting non-card-people to know about these things (which I must say Kickstarter is rather good at).

In the end, this will be a great thing, no doubt about it, just needs some time.
Paul Carpenter
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I am kinda mad that the shipping is cheaper now and I paid $18 to ship last night >:(
People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday.

Today I found something that reminded me of you. But don't worry I flushed and everything went back to normal.



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I guess HOPC is the place to get the Americana deck now? It's already sold out on the Circle City Card site. I wonder if they only kept a handful of them for their own site.



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How many ''Expert of the card table'' books are for sale now???
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 01:23:05 PM by -kakos98- »



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has anyone received there NOC decks yet?
have you heard the word???



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has anyone received there NOC decks yet?

I have! I love the purple deck the most. The jokers are just black stars with the word joker, but for what they set out for, it is done very successfully. These are great decks, that I reccommend everyone pick up. My review shall be up in a few days.



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Is there anyone that order is still processing like me?



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Hey guys.  There are still a few outstanding orders waiting to be shipped.  The initial response to HOPC has been tremendous, but it is causing some short delays in the shipping department.  The team is working overtime, sometimes until 10PM to get the packages out as quickly as possible.

Once the launch chaos dies down, any orders placed will generally ship out the same day or the day after the order is placed.

Thanks for your support, and please bear with us for the time being.  We expect the vast majority of orders to be caught up by the end of the day today.

Production Manager



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thanks for the response. im excited to get these decks.
have you heard the word???



  • Jack of Diamonds
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thanks for the response. im excited to get these decks.

They really are awesome! It is such a simplistic deck, it handles great, and I love how they look on display (they really pop).  I feel a lot of work was put into making this deck simple! Trust me, you will love them.



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im also happy to hear the purple deck looks good. i only got two of the green and purple decks because they other colors looked really bright to me.
have you heard the word???



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I got 4 purple 4 yellow 4 red 6 green 6 blue I can't wait to get them and to start seeing reviews



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Would anyone be interested to trade with me for these? Please check out the link in my signature to see which decks I have for trade.
I'm glad to hear these look and handle great, and nice job BC getting almost all orders shipped quickly!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 02:32:02 PM by NathanCanadas »



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The NOC Deck Reveal is up! Go check it out and be sure to subscribe.
Review coming soon!



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The NOC Deck Reveal is up! Go check it out and be sure to subscribe.
Review coming soon!
So, overhyped or underhyped in your opinion? The color of the box looks very nice in your reveal!



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We only did about a week of dedicated teasers and "hype" for these, so hopefully the verdict would be under-hyped, especially since we never claimed them to be the best thing since sliced bread :)

Looking forward to seeing your review Evan!

Also, and I guess this would be difficult to tell since everything about the deck has been in text, but we actually don't call it the N-O-C deck with the separate letters, but rather rhymes with "knock".

Production Manager