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« Reply #150 on: March 26, 2012, 06:50:41 PM »


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And the award for fattest king on a deck of cards goes to..... The Con Artist!!!

« Reply #151 on: March 26, 2012, 07:09:13 PM »


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Wow... needed have bothered pointing out how shady the guy was; his own work should keep people away by itself.  Anyone know where he got the images from?

« Reply #152 on: March 26, 2012, 07:32:13 PM »


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I'd like to better clearly review this here, so a rather lengthy edit is in order...

“Yet to Be Named” Deck from

A: Borrowed original court linework from USPC, slapped new mouth and an eye patch over it without keeping line weight consistent.

B: Carbon fiber isn’t viable as garment material. Creative license aside, it would not even look like carbon fiber being printed at this scale.

C: The trigger guard is not a solid object. Why don’t we see blue showing through?

D: Borrowed original court linework from USPC, and slapped some vienna sausages on the other side as a poor attempt at hand anatomy. Oh yeah, either the hand is backwards or he has spaghetti elbows.

E: The most wobbly circular object to date.

F: Clip art doesn’t make you an artist. This shotgun is so poorly rendered I can’t even determine a starting point for critique.

G: Borrowed original court linework from USPC, KING OF HEARTS. Whoops, probably just an oversight.

H: The king seems to be a fan of hot dogs and has spilled mustard upon his vestments!

I and J were skipped for the lolz.

K: The font has no place in this slap-hazzard design. Just because you have used an “elegant” font in your design, does not make it elegant.

Here's the graphical representation of the critique.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 08:09:33 PM by Pentagear »
I'm not a cardist or a magician. I'm a pureblood artist, and as such I seek to educate those who are really out of touch with design, not only for their betterment, but to also provide external critique that others can use along the way while they are doing their marketing research. I'm purely here for the design aesthetics that playing cards have, so you'll not see me critiquing companies, the people's business practices that run them, or the actual handling of the cards. What I can tell you though is when something is designed/executed well with near 100% accuracy.

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« Reply #153 on: March 26, 2012, 08:14:04 PM »


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I wrote a brief review on this design here:

Haha welcome to the forums! Great review. Either this guy is a scam or he is just a terrible artist.

« Reply #154 on: March 26, 2012, 08:21:08 PM »


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Haha welcome to the forums! Great review. Either this guy is a scam or he is just a terrible artist.

Thanks :). I'll try to be more regular around here. I lurk mostly but I felt compelled in this scenario...
I'm not a cardist or a magician. I'm a pureblood artist, and as such I seek to educate those who are really out of touch with design, not only for their betterment, but to also provide external critique that others can use along the way while they are doing their marketing research. I'm purely here for the design aesthetics that playing cards have, so you'll not see me critiquing companies, the people's business practices that run them, or the actual handling of the cards. What I can tell you though is when something is designed/executed well with near 100% accuracy.

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« Reply #155 on: March 26, 2012, 08:25:25 PM »


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Getting off topic here but I looked at your website and you are such an amazing artist!
You might want to create a thread and introduce yourself formally.
Don't forget to also check out our group-made deck of cards:
I know there is a lot to read through. Might take you an hour. But there's a lot of cool stuff. Pretty much many of the members of Aether Cards are working on making a deck altogether. We are still in the designing phase. If you don't have a lot of time, just read the last 5 pages. One post by me has a picture of all of the cards designed so far, and the other posts just have some cool info.
Anyways, getting back on track, TCA guy SUCKS SO BAD!

« Reply #156 on: March 26, 2012, 08:31:48 PM »


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i almost died at the mustard comment!

The cards look pretty bad. I feel like no matter what he finally put out it would have been interpreted badly given his past but this is really bad. Who wants court cards with guns? (besides the americana deck which looks awesome )

« Reply #157 on: March 26, 2012, 08:39:02 PM »


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Who wants court cards with guns? (besides the americana deck which looks awesome )
Apparently he does. Maybe (probably not) it'll fit the theme of the deck... :-/ :t11:

« Reply #158 on: March 26, 2012, 08:45:23 PM »


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Who wants court cards with guns? (besides the americana deck which looks awesome )
Apparently he does. Maybe (probably not) it'll fit the theme of the deck... :-/ :t11:

If the theme of the deck is poorly thought out, terribly designed art-work...then I think he nailed it. :)

« Reply #159 on: March 26, 2012, 09:16:05 PM »


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It also completely is NOT symmetrical.  Anybody with Photoshop or Gimp or whatever; open it in that, flip 180 degrees, undo and redo,  laugh profusely. If he actually gets funding for this, I'll be amazed.  If this is card design... so is this;

I might actually just try to design the worst deck imaginable and see if I can get it funded if these make it through.  Anyone willing to part with cash for that, deserves it.

« Reply #160 on: March 26, 2012, 10:29:55 PM »

Paul Carpenter

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Good luck printing the border that close to the (uniquely square cornered) cards. Guess he didnt feel it was necessary to use the official USPCC templates that his best friend in the world Tiffany already provided to him.
Paul Carpenter
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« Reply #161 on: March 26, 2012, 10:50:23 PM »


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So for those of you that missed out on the fairly lengthy session that was just held over the tubes of the interwebs on that place with all the faces and books, here's the recap in all of it's glory. I've left last names out for privacy reasons. I've only left names in where appropriate.
You asked for it, you got it! Personally the suicide king is killer, but this is a WIKID design as well. With the standard concept of original court cards, blended with a modern twist and new age look and feel. The King of Spades is not the court card with the full reveal of the projects name, but everyone gave it a good try. The name is actually hidden within the Queen of Hearts gown. So when you get your pack, be on the look out for all the hidden details and sayings as they might just lead you to something amazing!~TCAC

Wow. Looks very nice. Can't wait to get my hands on the deck ;P

Matthew Lee Keith
WTF... This thing keeps sliding off the wall. Need better glue!

Hey, Con Artist, I hope your not paying for this art because my 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter are even laughing. They might be willing to pull out there markers and give you a hand with this if you ask nicely. LMFAO

Wow. Ridiculous design.

I think the criticism that has come out is overlooking the fact that this is much larger than the actual cards, which will minimize most of matts criticisms.... I think the blue is the only that will really stand and some line weights.... I...See More

I did notice the card wasn't symetrical, the upside down gun touches the line while the rightside up shotgun does not.... I kind of like this, while I think others will get bent about that too.

Shane Carter
I also think its funny that the people posting the negative stuff is actually Lance Millers friends. Hmmmm his deck looks an awful lot like an iPhone settings button, but who am I to judge?

Lance T. Miller
Shane, many people that are my friends are here because of my supporting The-Con-Artist when it was just a name. It therefore, is completely possible that many of my "Facebook Friends" do not see eye to eye with you on your design. Does that mean you should pull shots with me? I think you may want to re-consider.

I love lance miller's design, and I found this page because of his liking it.... I don't hate this design either.

Matthew Lee Keith
Actually the iphone Settings button looks nothing like what lance designed other than the fact that it's a similar object. Next!

Shane, it has nothing to do with anyone knowing Lance T. Miller. It does have a lot to do with your inability to deal with your traffic & work seriously. I honestly doubt any of you guys have taken a look in the mirror and asked “yes I ca...See More

Who ate all the pies?

Matthew Lee Keith
I'd also like to address the "friends of Lance" comment. I call bullshit on that because this is a COMMUNITY. Anyone worth the time of day knows each other. Lance has many friends because he's worked for those friends and gained those frien...See More

I may have missed all the hoopla, but to be fair Matt there is a right way to offer criticism to others... I mean obviously this deck has a few flaws but if I were as knowledgeable and skilled as you I would have gone about it in a more constructive way.... Not sure if there was already some bad blood... just saying...

But I personally was offended by the Lance Miller comment because his decks are amazing, and I think anyone who looks into starting a new custom deck should have the ability to appreciate those who have done so successfully.

i am sorry to interject but if lance miller decks have grown to make a following the way the have then good for them i think it is sad that most of you guys are downgrading the fact that they have proved to u all that they have stuff in the ...See More

This is horrible...just my opinion...I'm not buying these at all lol..."Worlds best deck of cards!"? I disagree, lmfao

Matthew Lee Keith
I've been watching like a hawk for a first look at art from this deck since TCAC claimed it would be better than the Actuators. I was the one who won the contest for coming up with the name for the Actuators deck, and I've been very interes...See More

Lance T. Miller
Jay, you bring up a very valid point. When my Gargoyles first hit the community scene, they were trashed and ill-regarded. Instead of lashing out at possible culprits, I thanked the community for it's feedback and went back to the drawing board. I have had many people tear up my design work and try to make me feel like crap. It's how you deal with criticism that counts.

Shane Carter
Lance it just looks weird that all the negative comments come from people saying they are good friends of yours. I myself have followed you from day 1. I feel most of the comments here are unjust and meant to hurt your possible competition and weird right after they posted it you said you can't stop laughing...really you support TCAC or is your ego that large?

Jay? You say lets let the deck speak for its self? Well thats what this is all about. They posted a court card and its hardly been given the time it deserves. Read everything and stop being bias.

I agree 100% with you matt... you just could have been a little more constructive with the offering...

Lance T. Miller
Wow bro, I was laughing at the youtube videos I was watching, go look at my thread. If you have a bad conscience because of it, that's yours to deal with bro.

Lance T. Miller
P.S. to Cody, Matt doesn't hold back. He does that to my designs all the time. He is one of my most go-to guys when I think I've done something viable. He tears it down, breaks it apart, and hands it back to me. That's the type of dude he is.

Matthew Lee Keith
In all seriousness, as brash as it may have been, I gave my review the same amount of time I felt that had been given to the design of the card.
Please take my suggestions seriously. Make the changes and repost. I have no problem stating that improvements are made and that the new version is better. Just do the work :)

I can dig that matt... I would agree 100% if the designer takes your criticism to heart and makes the changes this deck would be phenomenal... and I suppose I was trying to spare some feelings, but I know its not personal.... I am just the kind of guy that tries to avoid creating conflicts that aren't needed

Matthew Lee Keith
It's true, I did offer Lance the same level of criticism. If you can separate yourself from the design and not take it personally, you could benefit from this greatly.
I've trained my eye to find and scrutinize important details. If I really wanted to be an asshold, I could have done far worse, trust me.

Lance T. Miller

Matthew Lee Keith

Matthew Lee Keith
So much for that "scrutinize important details" bit... Gawldammut!

but I like the carbon fiber...... fits the theme more than the font.

Elsewhere in the tubes this appeared on Lance's Deck page on facebook. Now to be fair, the post was made from a company page that did not link to the actual page on facebook, this one was clearly made for this post alone, as when the post was made from this account it said the page was created 10 minutes prior. I'll let the public scrutinize over what that means and I'll provide no bias in either direction other than provide the words that were written...

Real Page:

Page That Made The Posts:


Matthew Lee Keith
Wow... So this was really professional. Forget it. Don't take my help. You've damned yourself and anyone associated with the TCAC name. Good luck with your future endeavors TCAC. You'll need it, because without professionalism, you've got nothing else.


So, that's been pretty much the highlights of tonight, I'll return you to your regularly scheduled forum threads. Adieu!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 11:01:21 PM by Pentagear »
I'm not a cardist or a magician. I'm a pureblood artist, and as such I seek to educate those who are really out of touch with design, not only for their betterment, but to also provide external critique that others can use along the way while they are doing their marketing research. I'm purely here for the design aesthetics that playing cards have, so you'll not see me critiquing companies, the people's business practices that run them, or the actual handling of the cards. What I can tell you though is when something is designed/executed well with near 100% accuracy.

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« Reply #162 on: March 26, 2012, 11:33:26 PM »

Paul Carpenter

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I wasn't online at the time and missed all the hoopla. All I have to say is that someday, the card collector market will look back on this as a case study for everything that could possibly happen to botch a marketing effort. Tragic.

- Claim that you will change the world, and then inevitably fail to meet your own monstrous hype = horrible fate
- Humbly, quietly submit your best, and simply hope that people enjoy it = high likelihood of great joy

It's not hard to see which path works better.
Paul Carpenter
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« Reply #163 on: March 26, 2012, 11:43:11 PM »


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Has Amber read this thread?  Don't people get how full of shit this guy is and that it's just this one guy, not a team of people?  I mean, he's a big enough asshole that I wouldn't buy them even if they were GOOD but come on, there's obviously no hope for anything worthwhile here.  If it cold be proven, I would bet he didn't even draw that awful shotgun, let alone the design of the king.  In fact, you can tell what he added because the bits he copy-pasted are symmetrical.  All he has ever done in the past is taken other work, hurriedly and inexpertly modified it and tried to pass it off as his own.  I don't see why he'd stop now.

« Reply #164 on: March 27, 2012, 12:04:39 AM »


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Who ate all the pies?
*bows* Yes, this was me. :bosswalk:
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 12:04:57 AM by Linguist_ »
Oh, Lawd!

« Reply #165 on: March 27, 2012, 12:12:36 AM »


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Has Amber read this thread?  Don't people get how full of shit this guy is and that it's just this one guy, not a team of people?  I mean, he's a big enough asshole that I wouldn't buy them even if they were GOOD but come on, there's obviously no hope for anything worthwhile here.  If it cold be proven, I would bet he didn't even draw that awful shotgun, let alone the design of the king.  In fact, you can tell what he added because the bits he copy-pasted are symmetrical.  All he has ever done in the past is taken other work, hurriedly and inexpertly modified it and tried to pass it off as his own.  I don't see why he'd stop now.

Hi Kanped! This is Amber. My darling husband didn't want to reply on here for me, so here I am now with my fancy own account!

I am only on page three of the thread you all have going here, but I tend to stay current on the magic/cardist/illusionist drama via Lance and all his chattering around the house.

In replying to Shawn/et all. I was simply trying to lend a voice of reason and logic to the haterade he was receiving. I was incredibly curious how he would reply to logic, given his response to dissent is "Delete post!". Also, while my advice may fall on deaf ears to anyone and everyone doing work at The Con Artist, it may be advice that is taken by another person who happens to read it and decides to pursue some form of art within this community.

I am trying to play nice, despite repeated attacks towards Lance saying things such as "fuck you" and other drivel that Matthew has posted previously. He can claim all he wants that his account keeps getting hacked, but at some point even being hacked isn't an excuse, as you obviously need to improve your security. If you can't be bothered to keep you facebook secure, why the hell would I give you my credit card info or mailing address for product (that looks like garbage no less).

So yes, I am aware. I am being nice. Eventually though, I will go one of two routes: Full out ignore or full out (respectful) attack. Obviously, ignoring him is the best path as it will be less painful than running repeatedly into a brick wall.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 12:22:33 AM by alethea »

« Reply #166 on: March 27, 2012, 04:42:17 AM »

Don Boyer

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Has Amber read this thread?  Don't people get how full of shit this guy is and that it's just this one guy, not a team of people?  I mean, he's a big enough asshole that I wouldn't buy them even if they were GOOD but come on, there's obviously no hope for anything worthwhile here.  If it cold be proven, I would bet he didn't even draw that awful shotgun, let alone the design of the king.  In fact, you can tell what he added because the bits he copy-pasted are symmetrical.  All he has ever done in the past is taken other work, hurriedly and inexpertly modified it and tried to pass it off as his own.  I don't see why he'd stop now.

Hi Kanped! This is Amber. My darling husband didn't want to reply on here for me, so here I am now with my fancy own account!

I am only on page three of the thread you all have going here, but I tend to stay current on the magic/cardist/illusionist drama via Lance and all his chattering around the house.

In replying to Shawn/et all. I was simply trying to lend a voice of reason and logic to the haterade he was receiving. I was incredibly curious how he would reply to logic, given his response to dissent is "Delete post!". Also, while my advice may fall on deaf ears to anyone and everyone doing work at The Con Artist, it may be advice that is taken by another person who happens to read it and decides to pursue some form of art within this community.

I am trying to play nice, despite repeated attacks towards Lance saying things such as "fuck you" and other drivel that Matthew has posted previously. He can claim all he wants that his account keeps getting hacked, but at some point even being hacked isn't an excuse, as you obviously need to improve your security. If you can't be bothered to keep you facebook secure, why the hell would I give you my credit card info or mailing address for product (that looks like garbage no less).

So yes, I am aware. I am being nice. Eventually though, I will go one of two routes: Full out ignore or full out (respectful) attack. Obviously, ignoring him is the best path as it will be less painful than running repeatedly into a brick wall.


I see this is your first post!  Welcome aboard, Amber, and I wish I could say it was under more pleasant circumstances...

TCAC...  That "card"...

When I saw it, it was all I could do to keep from wetting my pants, I was laughing so hard!  I didn't think I was even capable of laughing that hard, but apparently I was.

There's a fine line between being a dreamer and being delusional - and this chucklehead crossed it at Mach 3 without looking back even once!

No one, and I mean NO ONE, in their right mind would give this fool and his cards a second thought at this point.  He's a freakin' laughingstock!  In the future, when people commit something even worse than an epic fail, they'll call it "pulling a Shane Carter!"

This guy's got some pretty lofty aspirations, but no skills or brains to pull it off.  His first real time at bat, he trips and lands face first in the dirt before even making it to the plate!

I never in a million years thought I'd say this, but yes - there is a deck designer on this Earth who is WORSE than Merz67, and he "works" (if that's what you can call it) for TCAC...  I sure as hell hope he didn't quit his day job for this.

The bigger issue, however, has nothing to do with my outrageously terrible comments about that card and TCAC.  It's the fact that people are out there, willing to offer at least some guidance on how to better conduct a business and design a deck.  And he just keeps believing his own hype with the volume turned to 11, deleting posts he doesn't like.

 Real Page:
 Page That Made The Posts:

The first one (unfortunately) still exists.  The second one doesn't, not any longer.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 05:00:35 AM by Don Boyer »
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« Reply #167 on: March 27, 2012, 06:18:07 AM »


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I don't get why everyone keeps saying Shane 'works for TCAC'.  He IS TCAC, in its entirety.  Every post is made in that same broken English and lets be honest, here; who would work with him?  There's been no evidence of any project he has ever tried to create being anything but a 1 man show and there's certainly no evidence of involvement from anybody else in this case.

@Amber, welcome to the forums; hope you stick around for the more fun/interesting stuff!  I'm thinking ignoring him is the best thing to do now, as well.  I was planning on doing that since I figured there was enough info here to make people wary but when I saw his design, I knew I needn't have bothered.  I was expecting him to post a load of stolen images that could have taken a lifetime to find but may have looked good enough to get funded.  I still think a lot of that was stolen and would take a lifetime to find but there's no need because they look terrible.

« Reply #168 on: March 27, 2012, 02:09:56 PM »


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So for those of you that missed out on the fairly lengthy session that was just held over the tubes of the interwebs on that place with all the faces and books, here's the recap in all of it's glory. I've left last names out for privacy reasons. I've only left names in where appropriate.
You asked for it, you got it! Personally the suicide king is killer, but this is a WIKID design as well. With the standard concept of original court cards, blended with a modern twist and new age look and feel. The King of Spades is not the court card with the full reveal of the projects name, but everyone gave it a good try. The name is actually hidden within the Queen of Hearts gown. So when you get your pack, be on the look out for all the hidden details and sayings as they might just lead you to something amazing!~TCAC

Wow. Looks very nice. Can't wait to get my hands on the deck ;P

Matthew Lee Keith
WTF... This thing keeps sliding off the wall. Need better glue!

Hey, Con Artist, I hope your not paying for this art because my 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter are even laughing. They might be willing to pull out there markers and give you a hand with this if you ask nicely. LMFAO

Wow. Ridiculous design.

I think the criticism that has come out is overlooking the fact that this is much larger than the actual cards, which will minimize most of matts criticisms.... I think the blue is the only that will really stand and some line weights.... I...See More

I did notice the card wasn't symetrical, the upside down gun touches the line while the rightside up shotgun does not.... I kind of like this, while I think others will get bent about that too.

Shane Carter
I also think its funny that the people posting the negative stuff is actually Lance Millers friends. Hmmmm his deck looks an awful lot like an iPhone settings button, but who am I to judge?

Lance T. Miller
Shane, many people that are my friends are here because of my supporting The-Con-Artist when it was just a name. It therefore, is completely possible that many of my "Facebook Friends" do not see eye to eye with you on your design. Does that mean you should pull shots with me? I think you may want to re-consider.

I love lance miller's design, and I found this page because of his liking it.... I don't hate this design either.

Matthew Lee Keith
Actually the iphone Settings button looks nothing like what lance designed other than the fact that it's a similar object. Next!

Shane, it has nothing to do with anyone knowing Lance T. Miller. It does have a lot to do with your inability to deal with your traffic & work seriously. I honestly doubt any of you guys have taken a look in the mirror and asked “yes I ca...See More

Who ate all the pies?

Matthew Lee Keith
I'd also like to address the "friends of Lance" comment. I call bullshit on that because this is a COMMUNITY. Anyone worth the time of day knows each other. Lance has many friends because he's worked for those friends and gained those frien...See More

I may have missed all the hoopla, but to be fair Matt there is a right way to offer criticism to others... I mean obviously this deck has a few flaws but if I were as knowledgeable and skilled as you I would have gone about it in a more constructive way.... Not sure if there was already some bad blood... just saying...

But I personally was offended by the Lance Miller comment because his decks are amazing, and I think anyone who looks into starting a new custom deck should have the ability to appreciate those who have done so successfully.

i am sorry to interject but if lance miller decks have grown to make a following the way the have then good for them i think it is sad that most of you guys are downgrading the fact that they have proved to u all that they have stuff in the ...See More

This is horrible...just my opinion...I'm not buying these at all lol..."Worlds best deck of cards!"? I disagree, lmfao

Matthew Lee Keith
I've been watching like a hawk for a first look at art from this deck since TCAC claimed it would be better than the Actuators. I was the one who won the contest for coming up with the name for the Actuators deck, and I've been very interes...See More

Lance T. Miller
Jay, you bring up a very valid point. When my Gargoyles first hit the community scene, they were trashed and ill-regarded. Instead of lashing out at possible culprits, I thanked the community for it's feedback and went back to the drawing board. I have had many people tear up my design work and try to make me feel like crap. It's how you deal with criticism that counts.

Shane Carter
Lance it just looks weird that all the negative comments come from people saying they are good friends of yours. I myself have followed you from day 1. I feel most of the comments here are unjust and meant to hurt your possible competition and weird right after they posted it you said you can't stop laughing...really you support TCAC or is your ego that large?

Jay? You say lets let the deck speak for its self? Well thats what this is all about. They posted a court card and its hardly been given the time it deserves. Read everything and stop being bias.

I agree 100% with you matt... you just could have been a little more constructive with the offering...

Lance T. Miller
Wow bro, I was laughing at the youtube videos I was watching, go look at my thread. If you have a bad conscience because of it, that's yours to deal with bro.

Lance T. Miller
P.S. to Cody, Matt doesn't hold back. He does that to my designs all the time. He is one of my most go-to guys when I think I've done something viable. He tears it down, breaks it apart, and hands it back to me. That's the type of dude he is.

Matthew Lee Keith
In all seriousness, as brash as it may have been, I gave my review the same amount of time I felt that had been given to the design of the card.
Please take my suggestions seriously. Make the changes and repost. I have no problem stating that improvements are made and that the new version is better. Just do the work :)

I can dig that matt... I would agree 100% if the designer takes your criticism to heart and makes the changes this deck would be phenomenal... and I suppose I was trying to spare some feelings, but I know its not personal.... I am just the kind of guy that tries to avoid creating conflicts that aren't needed

Matthew Lee Keith
It's true, I did offer Lance the same level of criticism. If you can separate yourself from the design and not take it personally, you could benefit from this greatly.
I've trained my eye to find and scrutinize important details. If I really wanted to be an asshold, I could have done far worse, trust me.

Lance T. Miller

Matthew Lee Keith

Matthew Lee Keith
So much for that "scrutinize important details" bit... Gawldammut!

but I like the carbon fiber...... fits the theme more than the font.

Elsewhere in the tubes this appeared on Lance's Deck page on facebook. Now to be fair, the post was made from a company page that did not link to the actual page on facebook, this one was clearly made for this post alone, as when the post was made from this account it said the page was created 10 minutes prior. I'll let the public scrutinize over what that means and I'll provide no bias in either direction other than provide the words that were written...

Real Page:

Page That Made The Posts:


Matthew Lee Keith
Wow... So this was really professional. Forget it. Don't take my help. You've damned yourself and anyone associated with the TCAC name. Good luck with your future endeavors TCAC. You'll need it, because without professionalism, you've got nothing else.


So, that's been pretty much the highlights of tonight, I'll return you to your regularly scheduled forum threads. Adieu!
Thx for that. I only saw the beginning of the convo and posted only once. Not only is this guy a liar, a scammer, a faker, but he is also a crappy artist who doesn't accept criticism, hacks the accounts of those who disagree with him, and insult the supporters of other card artists.

« Reply #169 on: March 27, 2012, 03:13:49 PM »

Russell CircleCityCards

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So I lined up the image and flipped it... it looks like a pirate escaped from the movie 'Night at the Roxbury"

To be fair (why?) not even USPCC's own cards are perfect, they are VERY close, but not perfectly symmetrical.  This, on the other hand, is not even close.  THIS was submitted to rave reviews at USPCC?  Oy vey!
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 03:20:12 PM by Russell CircleCityCards »
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« Reply #170 on: March 27, 2012, 03:26:00 PM »


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Ouch Russel, very ouch! I needed that laugh today LOL!
I'm not a cardist or a magician. I'm a pureblood artist, and as such I seek to educate those who are really out of touch with design, not only for their betterment, but to also provide external critique that others can use along the way while they are doing their marketing research. I'm purely here for the design aesthetics that playing cards have, so you'll not see me critiquing companies, the people's business practices that run them, or the actual handling of the cards. What I can tell you though is when something is designed/executed well with near 100% accuracy.

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« Reply #171 on: March 27, 2012, 08:06:20 PM »


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I think its better than the King but don't get me wrong, I'm not even close to saying I like it. It's one of the worst designed decks I've ever seen. There is way too much going on, the barbed wire is just out of place with the deck, its so oddly shaped, the roses are in a bad place, the Q in the corners isn't overlapping the club like the King did, and its just ugly!


« Reply #172 on: March 27, 2012, 08:30:46 PM »


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And the awards for the most sideways queen and altogether ugliest court cards goes to... TCA! Wow. He has done it again.

« Reply #173 on: March 28, 2012, 01:50:56 AM »


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I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS DECK!! The non-fitting themes and the terrible artwork, smashed together in Paint. Mixed with off-center art = AN AMAZING DECK!! I think this deck has real potential... to be the worst deck ever designed.
People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday.

Today I found something that reminded me of you. But don't worry I flushed and everything went back to normal.

« Reply #174 on: March 28, 2012, 02:46:57 AM »

Don Boyer

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So I lined up the image and flipped it... it looks like a pirate escaped from the movie 'Night at the Roxbury"

To be fair (why?) not even USPCC's own cards are perfect, they are VERY close, but not perfectly symmetrical.  This, on the other hand, is not even close.  THIS was submitted to rave reviews at USPCC?  Oy vey!

You should put that up on a meme board somewhere!  It's hysterical!  My face hurts from laughing and grinning!

Those "rave reviews"?  They probably came from the janitor he met in the men's room there...  He probably figured they look better than a lot of what he has to pull out of severely clogged toilets...but not by much.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS DECK!! The non-fitting themes and the terrible artwork, smashed together in Paint. Mixed with off-center art = AN AMAZING DECK!! I think this deck has real potential... to be the worst deck ever designed.

What still escapes me is how he has ANYONE interested in these designs?

I noticed that for the queen, he's saying this is the part that will be inside the inner frame, as if to say he'll have standard indices, borders and card shapes in the finished product.  But I still find myself scratching my bald head and asking, "Why?"  There are so many Whys about this deck...

I asked him politely who it was at USPC that gave his deck the rave reviews - and mentioned that since I know the Sales Director, he'll probably know who that person is...  Let's see what BS answer he comes up with.
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