Guys you're both right,
Which is why if you remember back to my original Contest Tier #1, I had a similar format. The goal with the first contest of any new tier will be to boost awareness through shares, and / or tags. The subsequent contests turn to trivia and chance, and then final round contests involve doing something or engaging with a puzzle in some sort of variation of an brain teaser.
Meanwhile there are always spur of the moment contests that pop into my head that are varied based on what I am doing at the moment.
Nathan I completely understand the reluctance to share based on an obligation to do so. I am the same way, but Facebook and social marketing are a double edged sword. As much as I hate the concept of forcing a share, it does grab other people's attention. For instance since we hit 500 and started the first contest there have already been 37 new Likes within the first two days. Contrast that to the previous 30 days that saw about 40 Likes total. I do like to grow organic results, but many people out there don't even know I exist. I hope that gives some insight into why I lead in with a "Share / Tag" type of procedure.
- Lance