i think they are going to released them at one point but they wont put a time. that way the servers didnt crash.
Now that's insanity. Excellent way to piss off customers.
"OK, people, we ARE going to sell these decks - but it could be at ANY time. Please keep refreshing your browser window about every five minutes [the masses will interpret this as "every five seconds"] and, if you're unemployed, never sleep and are lucky, perhaps you, too, will own a deck of these babies!"
It would be the Internet equivalent of a riot on their hands from everyone who IS employed, DOES sleep and appears to have been unlucky, at least as far as getting White Monarchs is concerned. Not to mention that there will be people who, either by enlisting assistants or writing a clever script, WILL refresh their browser every five seconds! I'm thinking this would be pretty stressful for their servers...