Is it really necessary to make a new thread every time you get another deck?
This is a thread about a deck that has not been discussed before on these forums as far as I know. People like me and others who might be interested can see this deck that we could have never known about otherwise. Your comment is quite unnecessary and contributes nothing to the thread, really you could have just PM'd this to jmrock instead of publicly stating your detest for his threads by asking a question like this.
Anyways, I like the look of this deck a lot, it's quite unique and quarky. I have been using a Mac for roughly 2 years now and before than I grew up as a Microsoft person (having two programmers as parents probably influenced that), even built my first PC when I was 13 and learned as much as I could on navigating through Windows XP. Nonetheless I run bootcamp on my macbook, but I can honestly say I love the Mac OS interface and overall easiness of usage much more than Microsofts XP, Vista, or 7. Enough of all that though!
Could you give us some more info on the cards? More so on the history, were they used as a promotional tool? Things of that nature