So. I just got their newsletter, and yes, some things are coming. Many of them. I will copy the end of the newsletter, followed by the pictures they posted between each different theme/subject:
So what's coming at Ellusionist?!
You haven't had a tease session from me in so long, now I'm going to rake you over the coals.
Three words bit#%es. Join the Republic.
A blurred king, half heart. Join the Republic.
A special incredibly gorgeous version of Alex Chin's Seasons. Coming.
This is the fat, bomb box that a certain deck will come in, standard. Sick.
Your new fiber optiks come in a distressed can. Trust the Instinct.
This deck is one of my all-time favorites. Coming.
In fact it gives me chills. It almost glows. You have to look
hard to see who is inside the Ace of Spades (not shown here).
Someone cooked this for me last night. Told you I was going to tease you.
Since he's so cute. Busted this dude in the front garden, now
he won't go home. I'm naming him Bill.
My message to you. Love ya. Keep the magic alive. Talk soon.