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New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK

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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2012, 03:33:16 PM »

Don Boyer

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That was Spider Realms that said they were being acquired by a larger company, not us.

I own a Casino Bee deck and have done some research, and 'cambric finish' is not owned by USPCC. 'Bee-Cambric Finish' and the absolutely brilliant designs on their court cards, backs and stunning jokers are.

I did appreciate your advice Don, and I will be applying much of it to our next deck. I understand your position in the world of Cardistry and it would be silly not to pay close attention to what you recommended. However, many of the design changes you recommended are as design heavy as they are brilliant, and our design is what people on Kickstarter have pledged for. Look for them in the next edition of GalaxY CardS.

Sorry to hear about those that won't pledge their dimes, but as you can see, it is a select few that will be able to say that they were there at the beginning of AlieN InK. Fewer I would think even, than could say they bought Bicycle or Bee's first deck. Fortune favors the bold.

It is hard for me to imagine anyone feeling comfortable giving away information (namely our printer) to a group of people that have done nothing but accuse us of stealing the images used on the deck after we clearly stated how we made them, and seriously attempting to drive our deck into the ground. The thread made to simply make people aware of our deck on UC became an all out war against us, before we had even gotten to the board to speak a word. We were contacted and advised to go to the boards to defend ourselves. With as many people up in arms, we know we are doing something right. I could care less when an ant walks in front of me but people get really upset when there is a lion in the room don't they?

I believe the creator of Tendril went so far as to yell that our deck should be burned, (twice) like it was some kind of witch hunt. (correct me if I'm wrong, I have a copy of the forum I can double-check, but his name and 'Tendril sold out' was in the signature) We will not miss their pledges.

We will miss yours though Don, as we really did appreciate the time you took to give us some advice and it was very rewarding to hear that you were following the project and had backed us. We will always be a fan of you and your composure and your willingness to be open with us.

Well I'm sure that this has again, been nothing but blah blah blah, so I bid you farewell.

-AlieN InK

About Spider Kingdoms - my mistake.

The design advice was what I expected to be take it or leave it.  But the more business-oriented advice probably should have been taken a little more to heart.  Card collectors take their business seriously, sometimes a little too much, I'd admit, but seriously nonetheless - they expect the companies that make them to be serious about it as well (not devoid of humor, but largely serious).  I watched about the first minute of that video and I didn't see a professional company out to make a solid impression.  I saw two guys hanging out who thought it'd be fun to go and make a deck for the heck of it.  This is what really dismayed me the most.  I lost some confidence in your seriousness about the project you were creating.

Do as you wish on the design - you're artists, and art is subjective.  But treat your business like a business and not a way to kill time on summer break.

And ignore anyone who isn't constructive in their critiques.  Some people would rather tear things down than build them up.

Best of luck on the project.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2012, 10:30:56 PM »


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To Blink 153

I was going to stay out of this one, since I had my say at UC. But since my name was brought in by bring a post from there, I thought I would comment here as well.

I will admit you received a lot of vitriolic comments from some of the UC users after the video. The video disgusted me so much that I was one of them.
And when your "brother" came on to defend you he received even more, I was not one of those.

However I think there was a lot of constructive criticism and questioning that you completely ignored. You found it easier (which it is) to defend yourself against the childish attacks, and that is all you did . Besides saying that your printer was a trade secret you never addressed any of the legitimate concerns.

So I will restate here my biggest concern.
You have claimed on many occasions to have received copies of this deck and know that it handles expertly. However you have yet to produce physically for review or (and all I want) is physical evidence through video or image that this deck even exists.
Right now you have shown art work that is computer created and therefore only exists in bytes. Although much of it looks to me, that it is clipped from other sources so should have taken you only a few hours to put together in photoshop, I will take your word that it is original work that took time to create. It is still not proof of a deck.
A person may not ask of such proof of a company that has shown itself to be professional, and until the release of the video I did not ask for it myself (I was a backer). But after seeing that video I had absolute doubt that you could or would bother to come through on your promises. You need to gain back trust and you continue to fail to do this  by supplying long drafts with no substance, I will admit however that your last post where you defended yourself and talked less about promises but admitted to some of your mistakes and tried to explain what you have learned , was, actually, a step in the right direction.

The second issue I have is with your secret nature. This is not just about the printer (though it has a lot to do about it) but in general
Keeping a trade secret is fine for a company that is going it alone. But you are not selling your deck on Kickstarter, you are asking for investment in the deck and your company and offering the deck as incentives to invest. A company that is not open to it's investors (freely or when ask questions) does not get investors. Investment is a risk, if you are unable to come through with this project we lose money. (There apparently is some way to get money back through Amazon but it is not a clear and easy system.) People ask questions so that they can minimize their risk. If you don't answer them, they minimize their risk by not investing.

Believe me I actually want to back this project. I am quite fond of the kickstarter system and would like to see it thrive. I am also quite fond of collectible playing cards and do not see a problem with the market being saturated with 100s of awesome cards  (I am not in the game for the value). I however would hate to see the market get flooded with 100s of sub par cards, or scam offers.

If you try and answer my concerns fully (go ahead and keep your trade secret just show us the deck) you would probably be able to winme back as a backer.

I am not sure if you really care to though.

Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2012, 10:38:29 PM »


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No matter what people say, I'm pretty confident in this deck. I'll watch it during it's few last days of funding and hopefully bid then. I think these cards are wonderfully designed and deserve to be in the hands of many cardists worldwide. I'll message you shortly about another potential offer.
"The word impossible is reserved for those without an imagination." - Arvind

Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2012, 03:41:02 AM »


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You are right on, extraordinaire... That's exactly what we want to do, and we love the support of open minded Cardists like yourself. We want to share these decks with as many people around the world as we can. We've got plenty of decks lined up after this one and can't wait to hear your thoughts on those as well! Thank you very much for your comment!   
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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2012, 11:20:07 AM »


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shame to see it didn't succeed they asked me for advice too heres what i suggested at the first desighn

a lot of people buy decks only from uspcc also some people only buy decks that have the bicycle logo on

also with no borders they wouldnt be good for magic you would need them on both sides as the decks dark

if your sticking with the no borders art type of deck for flourisihng you should put a better back just for flourishing like an aurora or somthing or the galaxy

and the stock and finish to have on a deck at the moment is either bee casino or aristocrat stock and magic finish
it looks like a really nice art deck but you would have to change it for magic users or make the back pop more for cardists i might pledge for some next time im paid

and for the second design they put with the borders i suggested

hi the back looks really nice but i would prefer it without the little planets just whats behind looks awesome but that's just my opinion haha also the ones with the rings should face the same way and be the same size also i think the box needs more work the cards look really nice but the box looks cheap many people buy to collect so they want an awesome looking box the fans look really nice also your welcome im glad i can be of help =D


Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2012, 06:25:09 PM »

Don Boyer

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shame to see it didn't succeed they asked me for advice too heres what i suggested at the first desighn

Didn't succeed?  There's seven days left and they're about $1,200 from their goal, only $5,000.

They have a shot still.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2012, 11:50:31 PM »


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We appreciated your feedback very much.
We incorporated what we could into this deck and think that the features that we have, make a great Cardistry and Magic deck. There are even more revisions in the next deck after GalaxY CardS 1st Edition and we are really stepping up the total design elements to be mouthwatering for Cardists and Magicians. I won't give anything away here, but we will have a sneak peek of the next deck in the last few days of this project. Getting this project funded means the next deck that has been built from the ground up incorporating all the feedback from experts in the field had to offer up will happen soon after.
As you can see, we sought out people with experience in this field and asked what they wanted to see in a deck and we have done our best to incorporate what we could into the current design. It is important for us to listen to the constructive criticism we receive from our supporters. I really can't thank the community enough for being willing to help us, and we love the idea of the community having a say in what the would like in a deck. That process is a cornerstone of AlieN InK and you will always see us reaching out to the community.
There is still time to get a deck, and the project is doing great! Hope to see you on Kickstarter! 
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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2012, 12:08:47 AM »

Don Boyer

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We appreciated your feedback very much.
We incorporated what we could into this deck and think that the features that we have, make a great Cardistry and Magic deck. There are even more revisions in the next deck after GalaxY CardS 1st Edition and we are really stepping up the total design elements to be mouthwatering for Cardists and Magicians. I won't give anything away here, but we will have a sneak peek of the next deck in the last few days of this project. Getting this project funded means the next deck that has been built from the ground up incorporating all the feedback from experts in the field had to offer up will happen soon after.
As you can see, we sought out people with experience in this field and asked what they wanted to see in a deck and we have done our best to incorporate what we could into the current design. It is important for us to listen to the constructive criticism we receive from our supporters. I really can't thank the community enough for being willing to help us, and we love the idea of the community having a say in what the would like in a deck. That process is a cornerstone of AlieN InK and you will always see us reaching out to the community.
There is still time to get a deck, and the project is doing great! Hope to see you on Kickstarter!

You've said a lot, but none of it really addressed the key issue that may end up costing you this project.  Your "corporate image" still needs a lot more polish than you've given it, and it probably resulted in a few lost backers - either cancellations or potential investors who decided against investing in the first place.  For a project that's coming down to the wire, a few lost backers can be the difference between being funded or coming close but not quite there and getting zero funding.

What do you have to say in regard to that issue?
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2012, 10:52:36 PM »


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shame to see it didn't succeed they asked me for advice too heres what i suggested at the first desighn

Didn't succeed?  There's seven days left and they're about $1,200 from their goal, only $5,000.

They have a shot still.

From my browser, I see that the place to pledge is block by a red bar stating the funding was canceled on July 13th.
"The word impossible is reserved for those without an imagination." - Arvind

Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #34 on: August 06, 2012, 12:33:13 AM »

Don Boyer

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shame to see it didn't succeed they asked me for advice too heres what i suggested at the first desighn

Didn't succeed?  There's seven days left and they're about $1,200 from their goal, only $5,000.

They have a shot still.

From my browser, I see that the place to pledge is block by a red bar stating the funding was canceled on July 13th.

You're looking at the original project posting.  They shut it down and relaunched.

They have five days and less than five hundred bucks to go.  This will probably end up funded.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2012, 05:18:38 PM »


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Funded, and I'm glad. I find this whole accusing childish (look who's talking :P I would just wait and see. I think you guys (Alien Ink) should focus on this deck before talking about your futur decks. Because that makes it seem like you're in it for money more than anything else.

Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #36 on: August 06, 2012, 09:46:22 PM »

Don Boyer

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Funded, and I'm glad. I find this whole accusing childish (look who's talking :P I would just wait and see. I think you guys (Alien Ink) should focus on this deck before talking about your futur decks. Because that makes it seem like you're in it for money more than anything else.

It's barely funded as of now - only $40 over.  They still need more to cover the inevitable declined credit/debit cards.  I'm sure that will materialize.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2012, 10:14:07 PM »


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What's up Aethercards!
Just wanted to say thanks to ALL our supporters! We needed 5K to make the project possible, and we got it. The cards will be made, they will be delivered, and then we will see on the reviews what everyone has to say about them. One thing is for sure, AlieN InK, GalaxY CardS will be delivered to Plaliens around the world, since they had the vision and the courage to suppport us from the beginning, through the whole process, till today, Funding day, and Mars rover landing day! Be confident that AlieN InK will only be making these cards with the high quality stock and finish that a designer playing card is expected to have.
At this time, we are focusing all our energy into the completion of GalaxY CardS. We will release information later on about future decks.
We also want to wish the best of luck to Lazarus, and we have enjoyed being a part of this journey on kickstarter. Congratulations to Genesis for their funding.
We still have 4 days left on the project, so for those of you that want to support the project, there is still time.
Thanks so much for ALL your support!
Jeremiah and Sebastian
-AlieN InK
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Re: New Kickstarter Deck - GalaxY CardS by AlieN InK
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2012, 02:30:24 PM »


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Congrats on this successful release! I look forward to hearing more about your company and decks in the future.