These were given to this guy as a gift from Alex Pandrea....
If they're giving them out by the half brick, there cant be too small of an amount printed.
By that logic, if I gave you a half-brick of Deck X, there should be a huge amount of them printed - but I could have had made only hundred decks (or even less) and perhaps I just happened to like you enough to give you a healthy chunk of them...
Did they make fifty? Of course not.
Did they make fifty thousand? Of course not.
But we have no way of knowing what the actual number is unless TBC decides to 'fess up.
Honestly, and this is just a guess based on what I know, I don't think there's going to ever be a whole lot of these released to the general public - at least not any time soon. When the idea came around to make them, they were never intended for public release - just for internal use, for staff and talent, akin to how the Black Ghost 1st Edition decks originally were. When BG1E came out, you couldn't buy, beg or steal one from E - they had to give you one, and they were only going to prominent talent in the magic/cardistry business (and probably staff members). It was only sometime later they started offering them as a freebie for being a loyal, big-spending customer or a contest winner.