Be careful about describing this deck as "completely custom". When people think completely custom, they expect EVERYTHING to be custom - not just the backs, jokers, AoS and court cards, but also the pips and spot cards as well. Good examples of this would be:
T11's Sentinels
E's Infinity
E's Artifice
All the CARC decks with "old-time" style faces
Lance Miller's Bicycle Gargoyles
CCCC's Bicycle Americana
CCCC's Bicycle Revision1
Both decks by BeDeceived
BBM's Bicycle Karnival Dead Eyes, Dose, Dose Redux
Bicycle Anne Stokes
Bicycle Alchemy 1977
Your deck appeared to have standard faces, albeit with custom colors. The courts might have been custom, but certainly not the spot cards or the pips, unless the video didn't give me a good enough glimpse.