I think the new rule isn't actually that bad. It sucks for card guys like us because if you want a brick (by the way I see what you mean about saying 1 BRICK, instead of 12 cards. It is only 1 thing, especially if its in its own box) but yeah, if you want 12 decks which some of us here is normal, its a pain. But realistically how many projects on kickstarter are cards? Compared to how many projects are on kickstarter in general? This 10 items or less rule is probably to just stop an ordering system. Recently I have noticed that kickstarter projects just have there pledge levels representative of what a store front would look like. Some offer $1 off after market costs but a don't.
In reality I think its to hit at the resellers, how many times have you seen rewards like "RESELLER PACKAGE - 72 decks". That just treats kickstarters as a pre ordering system which is not what it is, it isn't supposed to be a business model, it's a community driven goal. The mistake they've made is probably not there fault, but its the limit they set.
It is perfectly normal to want 12 decks... But it'd be rare to order 12 t-shirts unless you were selling them, etc.
Hopefully this doesn't mess up the kickstarter campaign because CCC is one of the top kickstarting companies, instead of a pre-order system there are early pledging rewards, stretch goals, quirks, communication with supporters, etc. Worst person to happen to.
I don't think Kickstarter is gone for new card companies, it is just getting harder and because of how the card market is right now, cards are even more expensive - foil and embossing are becomming standard, custom faces are pretty much a given, custom tuck seals, etc. All makes decks expensive and its now more difficult.
I just didn't think kickstarter would build so much into 'we're not a preodering service' that they would jeopradise a lot of users... Its nice to think that some compaines have principles.