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New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design

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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2012, 11:52:03 PM »

Don Boyer

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Heres that Joker I was talking about.

I like this, a lot.  Elements of Celtic knot design, but very unique.  Your corner indices are also very, very cool - I've never seen one quite like it.
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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2012, 02:56:08 PM »


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Wow! I can't believe this topic doesn't have more views... I just saw your decks, and it is amazing. The artwork and design are beautiful and sooooo intricate. It is plainly splendid (no surprise it's gotten such a high funding with almost 2 weeks left)! Now, despite the fact that it isn't very practical for magic and cardistry, it is, after all, a graphic design project more than a deck of playing cards itself. I mean, it is both, but it's main points seems to be design rather than use. Now, I think the reason why some collectors, magicians, flourishers and resellers complained about the price is that many tend to buy multiples of each deck so they can use them to their heart's content while still having reserves left just in case. However, the cheapest price on your page is 10$ per deck if we buy 10 decks. On kickstarter deck projects, that is usually the maximum price for 1 deck w/shipping, with prices reaching as low as 5$ (if you buy a gross).
Anyways, your project is amazing, and I wish you the best of luck.


Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2012, 09:50:40 PM »


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Your deck is incredible looking! I absolutely love the artwork! I would pledge for a bunch but $15 is too much for me.

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2012, 12:37:30 AM »

Don Boyer

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Wow! I can't believe this topic doesn't have more views... I just saw your decks, and it is amazing. The artwork and design are beautiful and sooooo intricate. It is plainly splendid (no surprise it's gotten such a high funding with almost 2 weeks left)! Now, despite the fact that it isn't very practical for magic and cardistry, it is, after all, a graphic design project more than a deck of playing cards itself. I mean, it is both, but it's main points seems to be design rather than use. Now, I think the reason why some collectors, magicians, flourishers and resellers complained about the price is that many tend to buy multiples of each deck so they can use them to their heart's content while still having reserves left just in case. However, the cheapest price on your page is 10$ per deck if we buy 10 decks. On kickstarter deck projects, that is usually the maximum price for 1 deck w/shipping, with prices reaching as low as 5$ (if you buy a gross).
Anyways, your project is amazing, and I wish you the best of luck.


Nathan, this project is hardly starving for funds...  He's not going to lower the price!  :))

Your deck is incredible looking! I absolutely love the artwork! I would pledge for a bunch but $15 is too much for me.

If it was a plain old pack of Bicycle Rider Backs, I could understand that.  But it isn't.

Collectors are a little hesitant to invest because they're used to finding Kickstarter decks that are cheap - cheaper than retail.  I can't say that I blame them, really - who doesn't love a bargain.  But it's become ingrained in them that a Kickstarter deck is cheap, so when someone comes along with a deck that costs more, well...
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2012, 01:04:03 AM »


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Collectors are a little hesitant to invest because they're used to finding Kickstarter decks that are cheap - cheaper than retail.  I can't say that I blame them, really - who doesn't love a bargain.  But it's become ingrained in them that a Kickstarter deck is cheap, so when someone comes along with a deck that costs more, well...

I think their issue is that the deck doesn't cost more, nothing Tyler has done sets this deck apart price wise from other decks on Kickstarter.
Kickstarter is set up as a way to "kickstart" ones ideas, so the idea of getting in on the ground floor is kind of part of it, as well as getting in on the ground floor people expect ground floor prices.

That being said, Kickstarter has turned into more of a market place in the last few months than just a place to starter your project or business. Many established businesses are putting projects up on Kickstarter that would be made anyway, sometimes at the same quality or sometimes because of kickstarter they get those last bit of funds. They offer their product at just below retail as an incentive, however they still make profit on them since they don't have to go through retailer.

However this is not the case with Tylers project. Something Don has said before and something that I feel justifies the asking price of this deck is this. Tyler set this project up as a art / design project. I will not comment on if it was done for profit or out of a love of the art form, because that doesn't matter, the fact is he made a great and well thought out deck. If you look at the other playing card projects that were set up as design / art projects you will see they are all in the range of $15 - $20 a deck (the Redraw and Tacoma projects for most recent examples). This is the difference between a deck design/company and a design / artist. The art / design projects are never meant to be as big or go as far they are meant to display the work and talent of the creator first and be a usable deck of playing cards second (I am not saying this deck is not usable). A artist / designer wants to get one or two decks into the hands of multiple people but wants to make sure they get paid for their work. A deck design/company wants to get many decks into the hands of as many people as they can to spread the name of their company and the image of their cards.
Neither of these approaches are right or wrong. Of course the quality of a $15 deck may be the same as that $5 early bird special you picked up. You just have to decide if you like their decision and approach, and then decide if and how you wish to back it.

The thing that makes Tyler's deck different from other art / design deck is the advertising / coverage that his deck has gotten. His deck has been featured on a lot of websites that people with surplus money go to. This has caused his art / design deck to move into the mainstream market and be able to be produced at the levels of the card design/companies.

The only odd example here is probably Uusi. This is a company you probably could hold up against Tyler as why Tyler is asking to much. They are artist / designers selling their decks at the lower "kickstarter" rate. So if you want to compare the two then you could have an argument against Tyler. The point is though that Tyler's is a justified position if you agree with it.
(on a side note though I like Tyler's deck a lot and am glad to see it doing well, I personally feel it does not hold a candle to Uusi's new deck and wish that they could get the buzz going about their deck that Tyler has about his)

Anyway You wasted another perfectly good hour listening to my rambling

and although the IT department permanently wipes all the mainframes when I say it
This is Utterfool

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2012, 01:43:11 AM »

Don Boyer

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Utterfool, you're my hero...  :))

Seriously, many awesome points made.

I wouldn't say this deck went mainstream.  It went main-design-stream.  I discussed this with Uusi not long ago.

The kind of people who love "high design" would go crazy for this type of project.  These are the kind of people who have a good deal of disposable income (or like to spend like they do).  The artist felt his labor was worth more and the market appears to agree.

Many of the companies that are still "Kickstarting" are doing so not because they have to but because they can grow a customer base quickly and easily.  Kickstarter seems out to promote the creation of new businesses, mainly in the fields of art and design of one kind or another, be it game design, live theater, motion pictures, watchmaking, etc.  But on the other hand, they're not out to be a crutch to companies that have already gotten off the ground - hence the recent restrictions placed on projects regarding rewards.  (Any project can give out no more than ten of the item{s} that the project is creating in any given reward tier.  An exception was made for playing card projects increasing the limit to twelve, since decks are usually sold in brick boxes by the dozen.)  They want to get people at the ground-roots level a shot rather than become just another marketing/sales avenue for people making a buck.  That's not to say that they're against profit, but it draws them from their intended mission - without limits, they might as well be Brookstone or (back in its heyday) the Sharper Image.

My rambles are a little less clear than usual right now...I'm getting over an intestinal infection and only started solid food earlier today.  :))[/s]
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 01:44:28 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2012, 11:18:36 PM »


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As Don astutely predicted, this deck is just hours (or minutes) away from crossing the 100K mark on Kickstarter!

Congratulations Tyler!

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2012, 02:07:11 AM »


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The thing that is really the most amazing to me is how well this deck is doing despite Tyler's lack of involvement/interaction with his backers.

The projects I have seen that usually do the bests are the ones where the creator keeps in near constant contact (throug updates and the comments) with the backers. One where they offer plenty of stretch goals and teasers for "cool stuff" to come, which will be revealed when the project reaches some number.

Tyler has done none of this, he has only had 7 updates, done an addition of new items once, and offered no stretch goals. He hasn't really even posted on these forums that much.
It really is amazing how far advertising and getting noticed in the right place can take you. I think The reason you don't see him here or on other card forums that much, is that he realized that we are a small community and early adopters of a deck, we either like it or don't and unless the creator makes major adjustments ( which some have), will probably not change our minds.
I bet you can find Tyler quite busy in some other communities (not card collectors but ones that his deck would still appeal to) with larger populations trying to win them over, and then I bet on to the next.
This is not a criticism it is a observation on why he has been so successful on this campaign. If it is the case it is quite clever

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2012, 09:04:27 PM »

Don Boyer

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The thing that is really the most amazing to me is how well this deck is doing despite Tyler's lack of involvement/interaction with his backers.

The projects I have seen that usually do the bests are the ones where the creator keeps in near constant contact (throug updates and the comments) with the backers. One where they offer plenty of stretch goals and teasers for "cool stuff" to come, which will be revealed when the project reaches some number.

Tyler has done none of this, he has only had 7 updates, done an addition of new items once, and offered no stretch goals. He hasn't really even posted on these forums that much.
It really is amazing how far advertising and getting noticed in the right place can take you. I think The reason you don't see him here or on other card forums that much, is that he realized that we are a small community and early adopters of a deck, we either like it or don't and unless the creator makes major adjustments ( which some have), will probably not change our minds.
I bet you can find Tyler quite busy in some other communities (not card collectors but ones that his deck would still appeal to) with larger populations trying to win them over, and then I bet on to the next.
This is not a criticism it is a observation on why he has been so successful on this campaign. If it is the case it is quite clever

The biggest reason for the success he's experiencing is that he never went strongly after the playing card community in the first place - it was the deck's appearance in a few design blogs that sent it through the roof.  He drew people to the deck that normally wouldn't bother with a playing card deck but would bother with anything considered "high design".

It's not entirely true that he's overlooked the card community.  He did take the suggestion to make the deck more practical, moving all the court indices to the left corners.  The deck went from a curiosity to a functional, useful design at that point and this was because of the card community.

It's much more accurate to say that the card community ignored him.  Many, many people here said "Too expensive, I'll pass."  I didn't complain on price, but I complained on practicality, and since that was rectified, I'm invested.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2013, 11:58:28 AM »


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Sorry to bring up an old topic!

BUT i do love this deck!

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2013, 02:32:26 PM »

Don Boyer

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Sorry to bring up an old topic!

BUT i do love this deck!

If you have something worthwhile to add, reviving old topics is welcomed here.

I think the deck is still available at

Edit: just checked - if you can find it you're a better man than I am...
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 02:34:47 PM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2013, 03:11:44 PM »


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Sorry to bring up an old topic!

BUT i do love this deck!

If you have something worthwhile to add, reviving old topics is welcomed here.

I think the deck is still available at

Edit: just checked - if you can find it you're a better man than I am...

Sorry, for some reason the rest of my comment was deleted!

I managed to bag one deck, number 6000 or so and as well as the design being great, the handling of the deck, i feel is fantastic.

I would recommend picking one up if you can! Like Don said they are tough to find, and arent available direct at the moment. I read something about a possible re print but not individually numbered like the first batch!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 03:12:50 PM by therealmackay »

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2013, 11:41:00 AM »


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Hey guys,

Some news from Pedale. New decks (RED and BLACK) and some cool accessories are now available for pre-order at:


Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2013, 12:57:22 PM »


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Whoa. That's a pretty sweet card case.
I like the red deck, too. It reminds me of the chinatown deck, and the details on the back will probably show up better than the original gold on black.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2013, 02:09:48 PM »


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Whoa. That's a pretty sweet card case.
I like the red deck, too. It reminds me of the chinatown deck, and the details on the back will probably show up better than the original gold on black.

Although the cards in the red deck look like they're gold backed. But I do agree about them resembling the Chinatown deck... Except for the "red" was actually more of an orange. I doubt these will be quite as disappointing though.
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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2013, 02:50:22 PM »


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After some earlier sarcastic remarks regarding this deck, I am glad I was able to pick it up as well as the others... The wooden case is also very serious... It perplexes me that people are bidding on this deck at $25 when it's still available on the website for $15...

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2013, 07:00:16 PM »

Don Boyer

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After some earlier sarcastic remarks regarding this deck, I am glad I was able to pick it up as well as the others... The wooden case is also very serious... It perplexes me that people are bidding on this deck at $25 when it's still available on the website for $15...

Well, there's no account for brains - or lack thereof...  :))

But yes, gorgeous deck, and I really want v2 in both colors.  Backers get 15% off if they order in the first two weeks! (Corrected - just one week, and only for backers; follow directions on the latest project update.)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 08:45:33 PM by Don Boyer »
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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #42 on: August 07, 2014, 12:36:13 PM »


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Huckberry (similar to touch of modern) has these on sale. $50 for black, red, blue, and teal. The red and black are available for $25 as well.

This link will get you $5 off, so essentially your shipping is free.

Full disclosure, I do get a bonus for you signing up, but that isn't why I posted, just thought I would pass on the savings. 4 decks with shipping would be $71 from Misc Goods Co, it is $49 here with the sign up bonus.

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #43 on: August 07, 2014, 02:35:00 PM »

Don Boyer

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Huckberry (similar to touch of modern) has these on sale. $50 for black, red, blue, and teal. The red and black are available for $25 as well.

This link will get you $5 off, so essentially your shipping is free.

Full disclosure, I do get a bonus for you signing up, but that isn't why I posted, just thought I would pass on the savings. 4 decks with shipping would be $71 from Misc Goods Co, it is $49 here with the sign up bonus.

To be clear, none of those decks are the original limited edition, but are the newer editions that Tyler's been selling for months on his website, right?
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #44 on: August 07, 2014, 02:51:12 PM »


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Yes Don, they are all newer "unlimited" editions. Cheaper price, and cheaper shipping than Misc Goods Website. They have the wood hard case as well.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 07:21:30 AM by ozfan30 »

Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2014, 10:30:38 PM »

Rob Wright

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That's a pretty good deal for someone that would like a full set. Save $10, and shipping only $3.98. I've been thinking about buying these, but just haven't pulled the trigger. Too many other decks I want more. I might jump on this one.
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