man this guy knows business. i know you guys want to say he is evil because of this but i actually give him props, i am not saying it was right to do (depends on were your morals are) I am just saying he put out crap and people bought it, thats how a business works. The guy created a crappy deck and dumb people bought it, all he did was use their stupidity to his gain. Anyone out there see all those T.V. ads? a lot of those things are dumb and not worth it, they make money from dumb people who want to buy them. So I say don't blame him and call him evil call the buyers stupid. I could take a pile of shit and say its rare( its mine no one else has) and say things to make it sound nice and charge what I want, if people are dumb and bid and bid its not my fault they are stupid I am just gaining from them. So hopefully this does not start an online argument but I say to Merz good job.