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Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush

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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #225 on: January 31, 2013, 08:34:17 PM »


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no I'm near chicago which is cold as fuck. I think the cards maybe needed to warm up a bit so that might be a reason why. Either way they definitely were handling better after I messed around with them for a while.

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #226 on: January 31, 2013, 08:52:30 PM »

Ben K

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sr15-that makes sense. I opened right after pulling from my mailbox which is under a heater. Plus it's pretty warm here. I bet your right,  It's the temp.

Of topic-I have always wondered what stage lamps do to cards. From what I understand they create a lot of heat. Enough to make a person sweat. That has to have an impact on the longevity of a deck.
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #227 on: January 31, 2013, 10:34:29 PM »

Don Boyer

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the faroing ability is slightly worse than normal USPCC

Have you tried faroing them face down?  They go easier that way, like a traditionally cut deck.  I was messing around with mine earlier today.

Reading over this thread again, I can tell that guys like Zenneth and Don were way overhyping these for whatever reason (marketing purposes? who knows), so I don't think there will be any groundbreaking changes to the playing card industry. If the cost of making them actually is cheaper, which is somewhat unclear based on the prices they're currently going for, then I can see the manufacturer becoming an alternative to USPCC custom decks, which is nice side-effect of the deck. Overhyped? Probably, but still a good deck of cards.

I think you're missing something here, something very important - more so to deck designers than consumers.  We now have a company in Taiwan that can manufacture playing cards on par with if not better than USPC.  In the recent past, if you wanted quality custom work, most people turned immediately to USPC; other companies couldn't match the quality.  You described them rather nicely as like Aladdins with Magic Finish, though these aren't smooth like Aladdins are.  Decks that good from a different company - and CHEAPER to make per deck, too - are previously unheard of.

BTW: if you rate most custom decks from USPC today as "above average", doesn't that make the average "above average"?  :))

The decks used in the CARC photos are the same as mine, so the photos appear to have been taken with prototypes before the standard decks arrived.

The way to tell the difference is the diamond pattern on the center of the back.  On the tuck box (and supposedly the stock models) it's an "LS" ambigram (for the magician making this deck, Lawrence Sullivan), while for the prototypes the back image was flipped and the ambigram is no longer readable as such - it just looks like a pretty pattern.

Don, for your prototype deck, was the l.s. reversed and unreadable on both the cards as well as the box?

I received my order from CARC today and opened up the green-teal deck. My deck is identical to the images that CARC has; the tuck box has a readable l.s. on the diamond and on the card backs it's been flipped and is not readable. Anyone else have this or do they differ and how?

I think they are amazing cards. Remind me of prime1's which are in my top 5. Not a big fan of the custom courts, but I'll get over it. I think it's worth getting at least a deck of these. They are built to last and the perform great for me.

Sr15, I didn't have to break mine in at all. Right out of the box they handled great; springs, faro's, fans, Le Paul spreads. I practiced some cardistry with them to and didn't have a problem. (Granted I am not a pro at any of it).  I wondering if its got to do with our climates. I am in Georgia and most cards tend to clump and stick within 5 minutes of opening them. Are you in a hot and dry climate?

Well, he did compare them to Magic Finish Aladdins - they're supposedly made to better withstand the tropic conditions of Singapore.

I was told by Lawrence Sullivan that the production decks were going to have the LS diamond facing the correct direction...  C'est la vie, I guess...  The prototypes were facing the wrong direction.  (Or perhaps these are ALL the prototypes, and there will be a new edition that has it correct...)
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #228 on: February 01, 2013, 12:36:36 AM »

Ben K

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Well, he did compare them to Magic Finish Aladdins - they're supposedly made to better withstand the tropic conditions of Singapore.

I was told by Lawrence Sullivan that the production decks were going to have the LS diamond facing the correct direction...  C'est la vie, I guess...  The prototypes were facing the wrong direction.  (Or perhaps these are ALL the prototypes, and there will be a new edition that has it correct...)

That's pretty cool that they are made for the tropics like that. This makes me want to keep my remaining decks sealed till I find out about the protypes vs production run. I may write CARC and ask if they know what's up.

If you hold a legends card and a prime1 card up to a light, you will see the same pattern. I assume this is the graphite and glue.  This leads me to believe they are using the same stock if they are not all together the same. The dimpling is also identical. The only difference I have found is the legends truly do have a glass edge.

I found at the tips of the wings are wisp lines. On the bottom two they are missing but they are there on the top two. Also there is the same dark/light or thick/thin index like the ask Alexander's. if you arrange the cards by the thick/thin index then flip them over and use the wing tip wisp, you'll pull out all four aces. I am sure one could incorporate this into a pretty neat trick.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 01:07:40 AM by Ben K »
“To achieve the impossible, it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought.”
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #229 on: February 01, 2013, 12:43:01 AM »


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the faroing ability is slightly worse than normal USPCC

Have you tried faroing them face down?  They go easier that way, like a traditionally cut deck.  I was messing around with mine earlier today.

yes, and that's what I was basing my comments on. USPCC decks seem to faro better.

I think you're missing something here, something very important - more so to deck designers than consumers.  We now have a company in Taiwan that can manufacture playing cards on par with if not better than USPC.  In the recent past, if you wanted quality custom work, most people turned immediately to USPC; other companies couldn't match the quality.

again, I was literally the first person in the thread to bring this up so I don't know why you keep telling me this.

BTW: if you rate most custom decks from USPC today as "above average", doesn't that make the average "above average"?  :))

in terms of all decks USPCC makes, standard decks and custom decks included. Custom decks are usually higher quality than standard decks.

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #230 on: February 01, 2013, 01:34:22 AM »


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just opened the metallic green deck and the cards where all random they were not in order. I liked how they feel and right out of the box they fan really good .

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #231 on: February 01, 2013, 01:49:39 AM »


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I believe the cards are in a mnemonica stack, which is standard for a lot (all?) of Stutzman's decks

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #232 on: February 01, 2013, 03:46:51 AM »


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Did the cards came in a special package?  Like a brick box?
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #233 on: February 01, 2013, 04:31:46 AM »


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I didn't order enough to add up to a brick so I wouldn't know. Sorry :(

If anyone else scan the QR code on the tuck's flap? Doing so took me to Lawrence Sullivan's website in which a few of the secrets of this deck are listed very cryptically. There is also info on a way to win a few more decks and a method in obtaining uncuts of this deck as well!

Overall though I don't feel like this deck has been overhyped. Knowing that it was produced in Taiwan and that it costs much less to produce with overall better quality is a bonus or me. This is of course on top of the amazing back design, hidden features of the deck, and fair handling.
"The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled."

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #234 on: February 01, 2013, 08:02:57 AM »

Don Boyer

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USPCC decks seem to faro better.

Give them a little more breaking in and they'll faro much better.  Mine handle excellently.

again, I was literally the first person in the thread to bring this up so I don't know why you keep telling me this.

Well, you did mention me by name...  :))

I believe the cards are in a mnemonica stack, which is standard for a lot (all?) of Stutzman's decks

That's less about Stutzman, more about Blaine - he had an influence on the design, and Blaine loves that stack.

Did the cards came in a special package?  Like a brick box?

If you ordered at least four from Coterie1902, you got their custom mailer, but other than that, I don't think these have a custom brick box.  It's made more as a working magician's deck rather than a collectible so that wasn't the focus.  The design originally had a really nice-looking matte finish box with embossing, but Lawrence Sullivan pointed out that the laminated box is better for close-up magicians working under real-world conditions, like wet tables and bars.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #235 on: February 01, 2013, 01:56:16 PM »


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Just ordered some from CARC. pretty excited to get my hands on them, although now I'm thinking I should have ordered a few more.  :)

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #236 on: February 01, 2013, 03:25:01 PM »


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I just received mine and honestly, I have to agree with Sr15 and say these were a little over-hyped. I'll start with what I like about them:

- Thin snappy stock, nice finish and smooth edges.
- I like the thin borders, makes fans look nice.
- The puzzles were fun.
- I like the jokers, back design and AoS.

- Faros are quite bad initially, and dont get much better after breaking in.
- The court cards are kinda ugly. If, like Blaine, those are his friends and co-workers, then I really feel bad for the guy.
- CLICK-BEND! I haven't had to deal with a click-bend warp with a USPCC deck in a lonnngg time. This basically ruined the deck for me. I'm not really buying the fact that they were built for extreme climates. I've yet to be able to get the warp out of my deck.
- The overhype about how much cheaper they are. From what I've seen, they're sub-par to uspcc decks. Also, they dont have alot of the intricacies that usually drive up the uspcc prices, like deep embossing/debossing, sturdy tuck box, intricate design (i.e. multiple metallic inks, custom pips). I'm aware that they were shipped from Tiwan but even so, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Blaine release Silver Split Spades (a uspcc deck) for $2-3 some time ago?

Anyways, They seem like a fine deck, I'm sure if my deck didn't have a click warp, I'd really enjoy them. Wouldn't say they're "changing the game" but I'd recommend picking them up if you can get past not being able to faro them and the chance that they might get a click warp that would ruin them. Even if they are ruined, I like the design and the puzzles were fun. If I'm able to get my warp out I'll update this, although it's not looking promising
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 03:31:32 PM by Angel_magic »
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #237 on: February 01, 2013, 03:34:11 PM »


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Strangely enough, almost all of my recent USPCC decks have "click-bended" and these have not for me. I will agree that the terrible faro ability of this deck is extremely frustrating until I broke them in and then they were mildly irritating. Also have to agree that the courts are not very attractive but they're real people so I learn to accept them. :D

I think all the cards are one way with the singular bolded indices. The back is one way as well. I haven't noticed if the one way of the back matches the one way of the fronts. But all in all I think the details put in the deck is nice. The box isn't too bad... It is slightly embossed (if you count that reveal as embossing). I agree it doesn't seem too much cheaper than USPCC decks but they are from Taiwan and seem to be able to produce cards that are at least on par (even though I think these are slightly better) with USPCC decks.

Oh and I can't stop rubbing the edges :))
"The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled."

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #238 on: February 01, 2013, 03:53:55 PM »


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I just ordered mine from jpplayingcards - how have I not heard about you?!! What a bargain for these decks :) I made a massive mistake, I bought one set when I was meant to buy 2 sets = doh, I'ma send you a message
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #239 on: February 01, 2013, 04:07:56 PM »


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What is a click-bend?

Im sorry but i cant relate to that word.

Some decks have warped for me, but they usually get that way because of the climate i live in, but i dont know if we are talking about the same phenomenon.

Any help here?

Also, dont bash the cards yet, consider that not all the cards made in the batch are A+ quality, for me some of the White lions, were really bad, others were amazing (specially the black ones).

So it could be that you guys have some of the bad ones?

But I agree that this are not the  "OMG CHEAPEST" cards i have bought, they were expensive.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 04:12:28 PM by hecrob »
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #240 on: February 01, 2013, 04:49:12 PM »


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What is a click-bend?

Im sorry but i cant relate to that word.

Some decks have warped for me, but they usually get that way because of the climate i live in, but i dont know if we are talking about the same phenomenon.

Any help here?

Also, dont bash the cards yet, consider that not all the cards made in the batch are A+ quality, for me some of the White lions, were really bad, others were amazing (specially the black ones).

So it could be that you guys have some of the bad ones?

But I agree that this are not the  "OMG CHEAPEST" cards i have bought, they were expensive.

A click bend is a warp where the deck is slightly concave or convex, and when you push in the middle, the deck "clicks" or "pops" in and out of those states.

I'm not really bashing the deck, just giving my opionion. I gave both pros and cons to the deck and overall I think it's a "good" deck. Would probably even be "great" if it didn't have the click bend.
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #241 on: February 01, 2013, 04:59:34 PM »


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I think the biggest plus for me is knowing that it isn't from USPCC. I have nothing wrong with USPCC but I like the idea of these coming from a quality printing company with comparable prices when it reaches us, the consumers.

I look forward to the next set of Legends or even other companies being bold enough to try and use the same printing company! Wonder if they have more finished and stocks than the very limited selection that USPCC offers. Because if they do, we might soon see some really high quality decks coming out! That or some really shitty decks come out too :P
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 05:03:59 PM by Michael »
"The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled."

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #242 on: February 01, 2013, 05:45:09 PM »


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Anyone elses tuck boxes sorta like, dirty? It's odd because i removed the cello and the boxes are dirty.
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #243 on: February 01, 2013, 05:54:39 PM »


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Anyone elses tuck boxes sorta like, dirty? It's odd because i removed the cello and the boxes are dirty.

Not mine :)) but that's some really bad quality control after the cards are produced if they're dirty pre-cellophane. Do you think whoever you ordered it from would give you a new one? Or do they only do that when the cards or decks themselves are faulty?
"The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled."

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #244 on: February 01, 2013, 09:40:46 PM »


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I just received mine and honestly, I have to agree with Sr15 and say these were a little over-hyped. I'll start with what I like about them:

- Thin snappy stock, nice finish and smooth edges.
- I like the thin borders, makes fans look nice.
- The puzzles were fun.
- I like the jokers, back design and AoS.

- Faros are quite bad initially, and dont get much better after breaking in.
- The court cards are kinda ugly. If, like Blaine, those are his friends and co-workers, then I really feel bad for the guy.
- CLICK-BEND! I haven't had to deal with a click-bend warp with a USPCC deck in a lonnngg time. This basically ruined the deck for me. I'm not really buying the fact that they were built for extreme climates. I've yet to be able to get the warp out of my deck.
- The overhype about how much cheaper they are. From what I've seen, they're sub-par to uspcc decks. Also, they dont have alot of the intricacies that usually drive up the uspcc prices, like deep embossing/debossing, sturdy tuck box, intricate design (i.e. multiple metallic inks, custom pips). I'm aware that they were shipped from Tiwan but even so, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Blaine release Silver Split Spades (a uspcc deck) for $2-3 some time ago?

Anyways, They seem like a fine deck, I'm sure if my deck didn't have a click warp, I'd really enjoy them. Wouldn't say they're "changing the game" but I'd recommend picking them up if you can get past not being able to faro them and the chance that they might get a click warp that would ruin them. Even if they are ruined, I like the design and the puzzles were fun. If I'm able to get my warp out I'll update this, although it's not looking promising
My friend recently gave me a deck of Black Ghosts that he didn't want and I way pretty pleased, until I discovered that they, too, had the click bend! It was so frustrating, however after doing just pure lepaul spreads, springs, dribbles and riffle shuffles over and over, it disappeared after 2-3 days. Just constantly bend the cards and this should break them in more easily.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 09:43:45 PM by DrianAbara »
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #245 on: February 01, 2013, 09:42:27 PM »


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the click bend is nothing. break the cards in.
have you heard the word???

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #246 on: February 01, 2013, 09:45:29 PM »

Don Boyer

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The tucks on my pre-release decks were just fine.

I honestly feel they'll faro better for you in time.  I can do a face-down faro with mine that's smooth as silk.  These take just a bit longer to break in than a typical USPC deck, but once they're broken in - they're excellent.

Mine had a slight "click-bend".  Storing them in a Porper clip for a while eliminated it completely.

Angel_magic: no one claimed these were made for "extreme climates".  It was the claim USPC makes about the Aladdins - and from what people in Singapore tell me, it's true.  Someone compared the handling of this deck to Aladdins with Magic Finish, which I think is where the confusion is coming from.
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #247 on: February 02, 2013, 01:44:26 AM »


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Mine are actually starting to faro better and better the longer I play with them. I'm hoping they'll just keep better and better the longer I play with them.

Mine do seem to handle temperature changes better than the average deck. Most decks start to lose their smooth fanning ability if I hold and play with them for more than half an hour at a time. After letting them cool down for ten minutes or so they work fine again. The Legends don't seem to do this and I've been playing with mine for about an hour at a time.

I don't know if it's the stock or the finish or anything but it looks promising.

EDIT: I've just been subjecting one of my decks to nonstop faros for about two hours now and they faro almost perfectly! Still haven't click-bended for me yet but once they do I'll just put them in my Porper clip.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 03:19:49 AM by Michael »
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Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #248 on: February 02, 2013, 03:56:53 AM »


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I've had some USPCC decks click-bend on me before, but it hasn't happened yet with this deck. JAQK decks for whatever reason always click-bend on me before I really break them in, and a few others have too.

Re: Legends Deck, coming Jan 2013 from David Blaine and Bill Kalush
« Reply #249 on: February 02, 2013, 03:47:51 PM »


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I've had all kinds of New cards click bend on me, depending on where I've left them after i open the deck. i noticed with a few decks if I've left them in my car or something before they were really broken in when I pulled em out they had the click bend. nothing some breaking in doesn't fix. the only problem is, for me anyway, a few times I would finally work out the click bend and then shortly after that the deck is worn. still don't have any solution for that one. >:(