Hey everyone,
I'm surprised nobody's posted either of the photos from the BC Facebook page. Some of the standard version will be released at 8:00 pm EST on the 26th (I have no idea how many). My family and I will be heading to an internet deadzone in Michigan soon, so I thought I would post a little about it now. And to reveal that I was hired on freelance to design the Blue Crown Luxury Deck!!
Alex was essentially the Creative Director of the project and I'm very proud of the final design! I've attached a photo of the limited, custom version from their Facebook page, and a photo and 3d Render of the standard version. I made sure not to show any specifics that the guys at TBC haven't yet (except for the Red seal sticker on the standard version). Just like with the ORNATE Deck, it's been a pleasure working with Kevin And Alex!
I signed onto Instagram recently and noticed that TBC has been posting some really sweet photos of the limited, custom version on their feed. Leather wrapping case, gilded edges, hand-signed metal plate and skinny blue seal sticker.
Thanks, Randy
And Happy Holidays!!!!