I'm certain that anyone that visits Kickstarter knows about our deck and all the other decks, so this is not a post to say "There's a new deck on Kickstarter!!"
Instead this is to let you know the intent, purpose and features of the deck in a way that the community here I think, and hope, will get.
We've all, (us magicians anyway,) certainly done a magic trick for a girl before. I'm sure you used your favorite deck. You know, the one that's all dark and scary with skulls and blood colored pips. Sooo freakin cool!! And I'm sure that she was impressed with the trick, (you are after all, an excellent magician).
But the chances are slim, that she thought that your death deck with a skull and crossbones and blood dripping into a cup that a demon is drinking really garnered her admiration. Attention, sure; it's hard not to notice those kind of things. But it's rare that you'll find a woman or girl that is really going to remember and admire the deck, which can be a large portion of the performance, (otherwise we would all use the same standard deck).
This deck is made for girls to visually enjoy when they play card games, much more than with a death deck. And so by association, if you do a performance with them, they will also enjoy the experience and chances are they will remember the performance and you much more vividly.
Don't believe me? Take the test. Show 5 girls the Flowers project and see their reactions. It's immediate and consistent. Girls love these cards. They were drawn by a girl and designed with girls in mind. Not made EXCLUSIVELY FOR girls, but made with them in mind, something that you don't often see.
So take a moment to check out the project again, and do it with a girl there. Note their reaction and then feel free to comment here. I know that it will be positive, because we showed the design to dozens of girls of all ages while designing the deck, and when the design was final.
The deck is also in line with the USPCC to be in your hands before Valentine's. This deck is perfect for forcing a Q of Roses and asking that special girl if she'll be your Q of Roses for Valentine's. The Gaff card will be a Q of Roses without the Rose on it, which will be perfect for vanishing the rose and then pulling it out of your coat, etc. Get creative.
The card back is designed in a way that will look incredible in cardistry and fans, and again will appeal to your favorite girl.
And giving a girl a deck of cards, she can relate to and cherish for Valentine's, means that she will get way more into cards, be it Poker, or magic, or cardistry.
Comments, feedback, (other than 'you talk too much') cheers, jeers or whatever, I'd love to to hear it.
-Jeremiah and Sebastian
-AlieN InK