Thank you CBJ.
As soon as I had seen that you joined these forums i knew that you would be an asset to the community. From the amount of time I spent at UC, I gained a huge respect for the quality of your posts and the knowledge you posses. Your mindset to how a forum should be used is exactly mirrored by myself. From my observations, the members of the Discourse have been making progress on the quality of their posts since launch, but not all are at the standard I hoped they would be ( for the majority of the reasons you have mentioned ). Thank you for displaying the feelings I also have in a calm, concise and respectful manner, hopefully it will help let those who are still unsure about what a quality post is understand.
I know Alex and I have stressed in numerous posts that the quality of each post far outweighs the number of post counts one may want to have. As the community matures I am hoping the attitude towards posting will as well and that meaningless and repetitive posts will be the thing of the past. Because of the way that the post rewards on the Discourse are set up, there is always going to be an urge to make a post, for the sake of raising personal post counts but I am hoping that users will understand that the rewards are not mean't to create a sprint, but more of a marathon that has a special prize at the end. In this forum, we are all about free speech. We do not want to put limits on what can and cannot be said but I do share some of the same feeling about repetitive, useless posts that do come up on occasion in the Discourse. So all I can do is encourage the users to think before they make a post and ask themselves, "Why am I posting this"
One other note,
I understand for some, english is not your native language and I appreciate the effort you have made to learn quite a complex language. For others, who simply type too fast or have misspell their entire post because of being on a phone, please take the time to correct your mistakes or just simply wait until you have the time to be on a computer and spell words correctly, it's a lot easier for everyone that way.
As CBJ stated, Non of what I have said is geared towards anyone in particular and if you feel that it is, its most likely because you feel some what responsible for the creation of this thread. This is not intended to say that using the forum consistently is bad thing, all I am saying is that consistently using the forum improperly is a bad thing. I have noticed huge changes in how the forum was a month ago and every aspect has vastly improved but there are still the minor nuances that CBJ has mentioned above and I would like to applaud the people who have risen to the occasions and began to understand mine and Alex's feeling towards the Discourse.
- Curt